University of Alaska Anchorage Reviews

  • 1 Review
  • Anchorage (AK)
  • Annual Tuition: $21,635
100% of 1 students said this degree improved their career prospects
100% of 1 students said they would recommend this school to others
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Student Reviews

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Andrea Staats
  • Reviewed: 3/29/2017
  • Degree: Spanish
"I loved UAA! I came to UAA after five semesters at another school. I was not expecting to enjoy UAA, but to my surprise, I absolutely adored it. If I had known how much I'd like it, I would have gone there in the first place. I felt that the lower division classes weren't difficult, but that I was able to make them as challenging as I wanted to. For instance, I had to take English 121. I'd already taken upper division English classes and was expecting to be bored, but my professor was wonderful, and because I was trying to get as much out of the class as I could, I ended up feeling challenged and engaged with the course and course material. I felt that my upper division courses were very rigorous. I appreciated the quality and dedication of my professors. I majored in Spanish and minored in Theatre, and I loved all of my Spanish and theatre professors. I learned so much from them, and their mentorship has meant the world to me. I also have had many professional opportunities because of my professors. I would recommend UAA to anybody. I am so grateful for my time there."