University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Reviews

  • 6 Reviews
  • Fort Smith (AR)
  • Annual Tuition: $13,440
100% of 6 students said this degree improved their career prospects
100% of 6 students said they would recommend this school to others
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Student Reviews

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Brianna Coody
  • Reviewed: 9/25/2019
  • Degree: English
"UAFS is a smaller branch of the University of Arkansas. It is significantly cheaper to attend this branch rather than go to the U of A. The class sizes are smaller as well, which allows students to have a better relationship with their professors and advisors. UAFS has multiple activities for students to join in on- religious groups, Greek life, Intramural sports, student government, and etc. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at UAFS. I LOVED my professors, they were always willing to extend office hours if you needed it. I was accepted into a different university in Arkansas for a graduate program and I ended up withdrawing when UAFS got approved for a Master's in Education. I loved my time there so much I am willing to go back for additional schooling there."
  • Reviewed: 4/11/2017
  • Degree: Criminal Justice
"The campus is great and I will miss taking classes when now that I am finished. The professors are great and give a good range of very liberal and very conservative and unbiased so you truely get a well rounded view of your field of study (Criminal Justice for me). The financial aid department is useless and will hinder any progress you make yourself, but all in all a great university!"
Dannah Goodnight
  • Reviewed: 2/2/2017
  • Degree: Organizational Leadership
"The University of Arkansas Fort Smith gave me the necessary skills to succeed in the work force. The faculty in my department of Organizational Leadership was amazing, thoughtful and I still remain in contact with many of them! As I further my education at a different university, I value my time spent at UAFS."
Chris Howard
  • Reviewed: 8/22/2016
  • Degree: Business
"The business school at UAFS has some of the brightest minds that I have ever met. They actively recruit professors from ivy league schools who recommend using ivy league textbooks for the curriculum. However, outside of networking directly with these professors, career services is pretty lousy. Career Services recommends the same 4 or 5 companies to all college grads in an attempt to keep the students local, regardless of their degree. Further, the financial aid department is very unhelpful, uncaring, and rude. I was not afforded the opportunity to apply for financial aid because of a mailing error on there part, and this potentially cost me $3,000."
  • Reviewed: 7/13/2015
  • Degree: Criminal Justice
"UAFS is great. Campus is beautiful, albeit with some old decrepit building needing replaced. Faculty is knowledge and approachable. Good place to get an education , no doubt."
amber wells
  • Reviewed: 1/5/2015
  • Degree: Criminal Justice
"The advisor I had was very helpful. Always there to help me find the best class"