University of California - Berkeley Reviews

  • 21 Reviews
  • Berkeley (CA)
  • Annual Tuition: $44,467
75% of 21 students said this degree improved their career prospects
95% of 21 students said they would recommend this program to others
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Student Reviews - Bachelor's in Biology

Student Reviews - Bachelor's in Biology

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Anna Najor
  • Reviewed: 7/4/2019
  • Degree: Biology
"My experience at UC Berkeley was exceptional. I had access to friendly and enthusiastic professors who taught material that they were leading experts in. Thus, the education not only is exceptional in the competencies around learning about certain subject matter, but there is added knowledge imparted on the cutting edge and future directions of the field. Professors were very accessible during their office hours and for making private appointments to talk about research opportunities and discuss class topics in more detail. The campus facilities are like none I've ever seen. There were at least a dozen libraries to choose from, all of which were constantly clean. I found the campus to be very safe as well. Additionally, there are dozens of student groups to get involved and make friends through. I highly recommend this institution to anyone applying for undergraduate education."
Cecilia Villarruel
  • Reviewed: 6/12/2017
  • Degree: Biology
"Amazing school with unlimited educational opportunities in a wide array of disciplines. Faculty are top notch and experts in their field. If you are interested in research, this is the school to go to. The Integrative Biology Program is phenomenal with a breath of courses to suit every students interest."
Rich Pauloo
  • Reviewed: 3/21/2017
  • Degree: Biology
"UC Berkeley is a world-renowned institution, and when you tell people you went to Berkeley, heads will turn. If I could go back and do one thing differently, it would be to get involved in research earlier. Groundbreaking research is always taking place, and as an undergraduate at Berkeley you have the rare opportunity to learn from leaders in the field about their discipline. I graduated from the department of Integrative Biology. I'm currently pursuing a PhD in Hydrology, but if I continued down a path of Biology, my background from Berkeley would have prepared me very well. The student life on campus is diverse, teeming with life and opportunities, and simply one of the finest experiences I've ever had. I highly recommend looking into the Berkeley Student Cooperatives as a place to live during your stay at Berkeley. It's affordable, unique and filled with UCB students from all colleges. What brings them together is a mutual desire to live cooperatively, and through the Berkeley student coops, I met some of my best friends."
  • Reviewed: 3/5/2017
  • Degree: Biology
"UC Berkeley is hands down an excellent place to grow, learn, and explore. In the College of Letters and Sciences, breadth courses allow you to explore the multitude of departments and receive a holistic education in addition to the specialization of individual majors."
Manuel Sabbagh
  • Reviewed: 2/23/2017
  • Degree: Biology
"UC Berkeley is truly a remarkable institution teeming with innovation, great resources, and the right mix of crazy that truly inspires and provides scholars with the resources and training needed to be leaders in this world. With its reputation of continuously being a worldly institution, while boasting a year after year declaration of being the #1 public institution around the world, it is no surprise Cal has been on the forefront of progress; whether it is helping find a handful of elements on the periodic table (i.e. Berkelium, Lawrencium) to leading the Manhattan Project to being associated with a multitude of award recipients, Cal is one remarkable and one of a kind place to get an education. Not only is Cal amazing, but the College of Natural Resources (CNR) provides students with that small college feel on a large campus. The Molecular Environmental Biology (MEB) degree program is the perfect major to be a part of. It is the right major for anyone looking to explore the possibilities biology has to offer, from deciding whether to purse healthcare to being a bioethicist, CNR's MEB degree program is perfect for any scholar exploring the science of life. It is with great honor that I received my B.S. from Cal. It has truly inspired me to be a person that wants to make a positive impact in this world and has equipped me with all that it could have to truly prosper in my life. Cal will truly challenge you, not for a sadistic pleasure, but will challenge you mentally, emotionally, and on deeper levels to really make sure it mints a remarkable individual that will later be on the forefront of innovation."
  • Reviewed: 1/31/2017
  • Degree: Biology
"Great school! UC Berkeley provides excellent courses with knowledgeable faculty. The academic and often competitive atmosphere among students in many ways encourages intellectual growth. I would certainly recommend the school to any student choosing between universities."
wesley stratton
  • Reviewed: 5/24/2016
  • Degree: Biology
"This is quality school. I was consistently challenged and engaged in thought. I grew as a person constantly through the education I was receiving. Professors and students alike were very stimulating and encouraging of self development. Living in the BSC was 1/2 of my educational experience. I met the most wonderful people and long lasting friendships and mind blowing revelations about life and success. Highly recommended. :)"
  • Reviewed: 11/30/2015
  • Degree: Biology
"It was an amazing journey. The city and the campus were beautiful and I met some incredibly intelligent and thoughtful people. However, the academics were extremely stressful and support for students was haphazard at best. Expectations were often unclear and you compete for help from not only the professor but also the graduate student instructors with many students."