University of Missouri at Saint Louis Reviews
56 Reviews - St. Louis (MO)
- Annual Tuition: $29,960

94% of 56 students said this degree improved their career prospects
86% of 56 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
no name
- Reviewed: 4/5/2021
- Degree: Accounting
- Graduation Year: 2024
"Career services/advising is horrible. Advisors do not care and do not take the time to even reply to emails. Professors are very nice and try to work with students' schedule. I have taken classes that really provided a lot of important information and outlook for my career."
- Reviewed: 3/10/2020
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2021
"I cannot recommend this school. The nursing administration is a chaotic mess. First, the advisors told me that classes would transfer from the community college that didn't. Then, I was sent a letter saying that I didn't get accepted because my GPA was too low. It was a 3.90, and people under a 3.0 were getting in. When I asked about this, I was informed that I was sent the wrong from letter; they no longer use that one, and I truly did not make the cut. Three weeks before the semester started, I was informed that I was in. They have started a new concept based curriculum, but still teach the same way and give the same tests from previous years. More than half the class is failing, including those that typically get straight A's. Also, mid semester last year, they changed all semester enrollments to a lottery system. You now have no idea if you will be in night classes or day classes until the computer assigns you based off a random drawing. For many this is stressful, we no longer have any control over our schedule, but we can't transfer completed classes to another nursing school. They try to use the excuse, "The hospitals want you getting used to all shifts." However, when you accept a position at a hospital, you know if you are taking day, night, or swing shifts. And when we signed up for nursing classes at UMSL, we were lead to believe that we could pick what schedule worked best for us. Any time a student tried to talk to the staff about the chaos and inconsistencies, we are met with irritation. Half of the time, the top level of the parking garage is closed and students are left with nowhere to park. The list continues. Think hard, and ask current students questions before committing to UMSL."
- Reviewed: 5/22/2019
- Degree: Counseling
- Graduation Year: 2017
"This program is awful. This program is so lacking in their understanding of trauma informed practice that it scares me. They are sooo out of date. Certain professors are arrogant, and teach student that counselors are "master manipulators," which violates the ethical principles of consent and honesty. Veracity is a principle this professor publicly mocks. If you struggle with anything, they threaten to dismiss you from the program, which ensures you will continue to struggle due to the anxiety that comes with pending tragedy. They encourage students to counsel other students and counselors end up in the same class as their clients. This is an experience that can range from uncomfortbale, to harmful depending on the situation. They encourage you to seek counseling in their center, but their counselors are as terribly informed as the professors who taught them, and the supervision of these counselors is clearly inadequate. All of this leads to an extremely confusing experience. It was the worst experience of my entire life. Highly advise against this program."
- Reviewed: 4/4/2019
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2020
"I am a student currently in the nursing program. I am just completing my first year, and unfortunately, I cannot with good conscience recommend this school to anyone. I am a VERY passive person. You could spill a glass of water on me, I would immediately be assuring you "It's okay, don't worry about it!" But dealing with school has been a horrible experience, and by this point my nerves are completely shot. Had I been paying attention, I would have seen the warnings: I applied for the school months ahead of time. FIVE days before the deadline of applying to the nursing program, we all received an email saying that they were now requiring two letters of recommendation, more essays, and other requirements that everyone was scrambling to finish in time because, again, there were only five days left. I thought it was a fluke, but it was actually a warning. I can say with full confidence and disappointment that the staff that 'helps' with the nursing program is in fact the least helpful group of people. There are constantly mistakes with scheduling. This is obviously not their fault, but the way they handle this problem IS. Last semester, there was a mistake in which a lab was listed as being on a Wednesday, when really it was on a Friday. First day of lab, this group was told: "You're actually on Friday. Sorry for the mistake, but figure a new schedule out because you can't change it." Now, once again, the classes are displayed incorrectly but this time, we cannot register at all because of it. It has been a week since we were supposed to be able to register, so students are wondering what to do. Those who are supposed to be helping us, who haven't fixed their mistake yet, are yelling at the students now. I sent an email asking what I should do, and I received an email telling me my questioning was inappropriate (when nobody had given me a sensible answer yet), and that nurses are 'supposed to be flexible.' The staff is demeaning and unhelpful and quick to anger, when students are just trying not to stress over an issue that they created. Not to mention just the basics: some of the professors have no idea what they're doing. In my Fundamentals lab this semester alone: One teacher told us that IV nutrition was called "Peritoneal nutrition" (It's not) another professor repeatedly explained how the small intestine began with the "juodenum" (it doesn't) the teachers constantly started half an hour late because they GOT there late and then wondered how to start class, another professor began to demonstrate how to insert a NG tube by putting it down the mouth (spoiler alert: that's not where it goes), and nine times out of ten, for skills, we were told to "Just pretend you're doing" such and such because there were no resources to ACTUALLY do it. This school is frustrating, half the staff don't understand what they're talking about, and the staff that are supposed to help you talk down to you constantly and get defensive when they are the ones that have messed up. I could keep going about this nursing program, which has been a largely negative experience for me. But this review is getting long enough as it is. Honestly, I am only here because of how cheap it is. And even THEN, they rarely give out scholarships."
Erica Fehrenbach
- Reviewed: 3/27/2019
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2009
"University of Missouri at St. Louis is an underrated school. The biology curriculum was great and the campus is truly quite beautiful. I will say that the laboratories and the equipment were a little out dated, but they got the job done. I lived in the apartments on campus for my freshman year. I think this is a great option for students who don't want to live at home, but do not feel comfortable in the "dorm" life. You have your own bedroom/bathroom and share the kitchen/living area. UMSL is a big commuter school, so I don't think you necessarily get the full "college" life experience, but I enjoyed my 4 years there."
Khalfani J. Mar'Na
- Reviewed: 12/30/2017
- Degree: Liberal Studies
- Graduation Year: 2017
"I transferred to the University of Missouri-St. Louis (UMSL) in the fall of 2015. Coming from two small college towns in the south, I was slightly hesitant at the availability to tailor my degree as much as I had before. I quickly realized that not only was I able to tailor my degree in a more effective manner, but the ongoing support provided by the administration allowed me to work in the field I dreamed of prior to graduation. I now have a network of professionals that I can reach out to at anytime and have a strong backing for my transition into law school. UMSL was the best decision I could have made and I look forward to giving back to a university that has given me so much."
- Reviewed: 9/1/2017
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2013
"This is a very underrated college. The MBA program and faculty are top notch and the price is one of the lowest in the area. All my professors had extensive professional experience."
- Reviewed: 5/22/2017
- Degree: Computer Science
- Graduation Year: 2014
"UMSL provides a great education. The professors are by-and-large very supportive and there are many social events and clubs on campus that provide ways to get to know other students and get involved with current initiatives."
- Reviewed: 5/22/2017
- Degree: Social Work
- Graduation Year: 2007
"I enjoyed my time at UMSL. It was a quality education that was convenient to home and affordable. I would recommend this school to students interested in social work specifically."
Erika McClellan
- Reviewed: 3/18/2017
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2017
"If you have the opportunity, work with Dr. Bettina Casad. She was excellent to work with and I gained valuable lab experience as well as professional mentoring. Also, take any course in your field that will inform you more about career choices in your chosen major."
- Reviewed: 1/24/2017
- Degree: Accounting
- Graduation Year: 2012
"I thought that UMSL was a great place for me to get a degree. The degree is respected throughout my industry and all of the larger firms I was interested in working for recruited from the school."
- Reviewed: 1/24/2017
- Degree: Social Work
- Graduation Year: 2007
"UMSL is a local school that has a lot to offer. The social work program was challenging and lead by experienced and caring staff."
- Reviewed: 1/8/2017
- Degree: Elementary Education
- Graduation Year: 1991
"UMSL was a great school. My only concern was when I transferred from the University of Missouri Columbia to the St. Louis campus I had to change my major from early childhood to elementary education or I would have had to go an extra year. Instead, I still had to go an additional semester to graduate which caused me to graduate mid-year. I thought the field experiences were practical. I had the opportunity to tutor in a low-income area. I ended up getting hired at the school where I did my student teaching. I felt that my education prepared me well for my first job."
- Reviewed: 1/3/2017
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2006
"My college was very big with a lot of diversity. Class sizes could be large depending on the class."
Preston McTyer
- Reviewed: 7/27/2016
- Degree: Political Science
- Graduation Year: 2011
"Umsl was a great university to attend. Very diverse, engaging with activities, and driven to see students succeed. Campus life was very safe, interesting, and exciting. Parking was the only downfall. Parking permits were very expensive and the book buy back program was not helpful with books being outdated by the end of the semester."
- Reviewed: 7/22/2016
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2014
"The University of Missouri in St. Louis was a great experience. The professors are very knowledgeable and care very much for their students. Research and real life intelligence is important and they make sure to get you prepared for the real world and how to deal with your major."
A. Massa
- Reviewed: 7/22/2016
- Degree: Elementary Education
- Graduation Year: 2005
"I received a thorough education and left prepared to be a teacher. The programs that UMSL had in place for teaching at other locations in surrounding counties was excellent. This allowed me to be able to attend UMSL close enough at home to be able to work and save money on gas, but still provided me with a quality education."
Ashleah White
- Reviewed: 7/7/2016
- Degree: English
- Graduation Year: 2019
"The school as a whole has a very caring, student-oriented nature. There are an abundant of "free" (your tuition pays for it) services and items, like Retention Services and Metro passes. The Office of Residential Life is a rip-off in more ways than one, though. These are the living areas: Oak Hall, Villa, Villa North, Mansion, and Meadows. The first three are residential halls; the last two are apartment buildings. I lived in Oak and Villa North and, through working two different ResLife jobs, have gone through each area and dealt with complaints. Oak and Meadows are better; Villa and Mansion are worse. The prices are all horrendous and one of the reasons we're a commuter campus. It is worth mentioning that Oak is the only residential option for anyone under 21 and the most expensive housing plan. If you live in Oak, you are required to have a meal plan, which is, at the cheapest leave, another $1,300 dollars. Nobody I knew lived there without a scholarship. The only good thing I can say about ResLife is that repairs for any housing-related damages are free and usually done within a day. Aside from ResLife, there are plenty of good things here. We have the only optometry school in Missouri. I hear we have an awesome College of Education and an intense nursing program. Most of the people I meet are nursing or some sort of science major. We have a huge population of international students, mostly from Asian cultures. We're heavy on student involvement. (We have the official Office of Student Involvement to prove it.)It's fairly easy to start an official club, but there are about a hundred to choose from. There are several events throughout the year that encourage students to bring their families. I honestly think the only downside of this place is all the goose poop you have to avoid."
Casie Lorimier
- Reviewed: 5/2/2016
- Degree: Early Childhood Education
- Graduation Year: 2010
"The program demanded a lot of busy work but the assignments weren't incredibly difficult. The professors were very knowledgeable but difficult to get in touch with when needed. The coursework is very rigorous, and I do feel like I learned a lot. The advising is awful."
Alyse Johnson
- Reviewed: 1/4/2016
- Degree: Elementary Education
- Graduation Year: 2007
"I graduated from the University of Missouri – St. Louis (UMSL) in May of 2007. I am extremely satisfied with the education I received there. The required coursework and practicum experiences were invaluable. Further, the College of Education staff and instructors were supportive in every aspect of the program. I had multiple offers for employment and was hired by the school district of my choice before graduation. I began my first year of teaching with confidence in my own ability and found the effectiveness of my first year of professional practice exceeded that of many of my colleagues with more experience. My undergraduate education prepared me well for my first years of teaching, as well as provided a strong foundation for continued growth as a reflective practitioner and graduate and post graduate work. Additionally, I am particularly proud of the fact that my undergraduate degree in Elementary Education is a Bachelor of Science. Not only did I enter the field with a broad content and pedagogical knowledge base, I was adequately prepared to incorporate 21st Century Skills across subject areas while advocating for STEM education in my school/district."