University of New Hampshire - Main Campus Reviews
30 Reviews - Durham (NH)
- Annual Tuition: $37,934

86% of 30 students said this degree improved their career prospects
87% of 30 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
Still Unemployed
- Reviewed: 1/9/2020
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Going to UNH was the worst single decision I have ever made, followed by the sunk-cost-fallacy thinking that led me to stay when I realized in my senior year what a terrible mistake I had made. "Career fairs" had more commissioned sales jobs showing up than actual employers who were looking for your degree and skills, which as I've tried to enter the workplace I'm finding is because no one wants the degree from UNH. You might be able to work at the local Lonza plant. The classes and professors were actually mostly great, but there were no resources to help you in a future career. Here is a story to help you understand the school. When the librarian died and left a surprise $4,000,000 bequest, $2,500,000 of that went to a career center, because what there had been before didn't even merit the name. $500,000 went to various other expenses, including $100,000 for the library that they only put there because the will required it. $1,000,000 went to a video scoreboard for the football team that no one outside the state even knows exists."
Mary Sherman
- Reviewed: 4/29/2019
- Degree: Agriculture
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems major at the University of New Hampshire is unlike anything else. I was so inspired by all the incredible professors that dedicated their heart and soul into their students and the program. I felt that I had the opportunity to explore a degree that was catered to my own interest, and I focused my studies on Community Development in Food Systems Work. I was able to examine theories of economic and racial justice in the food system, study community planning, and participate in leadership summits that shaped who I am as an individual. Every professor I worked with was passionate, knowledgeable, and empathetic. I am so grateful for my experience at the University of New Hampshire!"
- Reviewed: 4/27/2019
- Degree: Marketing - MBA
- Graduation Year: 2019
"SNHU is great for the working professional in need of flexibility, or online education. I personally attended the MBA program on campus and was pleased with the experiences in the classroom overall. Some professors were more engaged and eager to challenge their students than others, but this is to be expected at virtually any school - especially when relying on primarily adjunct teaching faculty. When it comes down to it, SNHU's Graduate curriculum is designed to apply broadly across all platforms ie. both traditional formats and online. After all, they are the largest online school in the country... Due to this strategy however, there is little to no specialization or niche learning. If you're looking for a very specific and intensive major specific program, SNHU may not be your best option, but to be fair and realistic, many schools are following this model because the landscape of education is changing drastically. Having been on campus instead of online however, some of my professors were truly subject matter experts had years of experience/knowledge to share, and tended to delve into challenging niche topics to supplement the cookie-cutter curriculum; I soaked those learning experiences up when possible. The coursework ranges from moderately easy to difficult, depending on what you're used to from an undergraduate setting and how much effort you put into your work. If you really dig deep into these assignments and make sure you're thorough, they'll challenge you, trust me. For the folks on here who say the coursework is a "joke" or "stupid easy", you may be hitting all the required elements to submit your work, but you're probably not going into the depth of which you could. As a graduate level student, it's really up to the individual to challenge themselves because we are capable adults and should hold ourselves accountable as such. About the grading remarks on here, yes, I felt as though some professors were too lenient with some of the students who didn't bring forth graduate level work. This is frustrating because they'll ultimately receive the same degree as those of us who have a high caliber of work, which may diminish the validity of our degree in the long-term. Again, this is happening across many schools in America today because the schools are also a business, and as long as you're a paying customer, they'd like to maintain your business. However, at the end of the day, this doesn't bother me because I know how much effort I put into the program, and I earned my stripes. When it comes to real world application, these folks may have the degree, but may not have retained the knowledge necessary to apply it to the real world. It's astonishing to me how many students enroll in this program, only to sit and complain about it. To counter-argue many comments on this page, I think there's a fundamental issue within the culture of education in America today, not just at SNHU. Students need to learn how to own up and stop complaining/making excuses/cutting corners; this isn't the responsibility of the school, it's on us as students. I agree they could be better about weeding out the unproductive slackers, but again, it's not all about the education anymore. A side note before I conclude: I am a veteran, and I am pleased with the amount of support SNHU advising staff gives to their veteran population. This is a great school for vets because using GI and Vocational Rehabilitation benefits can be confusing and messy sometimes, but SNHU does an excellent job of mitigating all potential disaster in the process. In conclusion, SNHU is an excellent option for working professionals, military veterans, and graduate level students who are self-sufficient enough to challenge themselves. For the most part, the professors have a lot of real-world experience that relates to the curriculum (this is incredibly important in a business program), and you'll even get a rock-star professor from time to time, that really pushes their students. I think the school could do a better job of weeding out the people who clearly don't want to be there and people who perform below standards, but again, this is a fundamental problem in our education system, it's not just SNHU. For my circumstances at the time, SNHU was a perfect option to accomplish what I set out to do: earn an MBA as I integrated back into the civilian workforce. If I had to do it again however, under different circumstances, I would seek a more specialized program at a more competitive school, where the enrollment process is more stringent and the students are more engaged and accountable for their own learning."
- Reviewed: 3/31/2019
- Degree: Teaching
- Graduation Year: 2016
"The music education program at the University of New Hampshire is one of the strongest in the state. The variety of classes, ensembles, and professors you have to choose from makes it a great program for any student. I enjoyed learning from all of my professors and did not have an issue in any class. It is easy to tailor the program to your interests because the variety of courses and ensembles is fantastic. You can get anything you want out of the music program at UNH, as long as you put the effort in for the results you want!"
W. Paterson
- Reviewed: 4/25/2018
- Degree: English
- Graduation Year: 2006
"UNH holds a very special place in my heart. At 18 years old for most people like me, it's hard to image life beyond high school and home life. All we know are classes, an after school job, and living in a home where we don't have to worry about rent, bills, or food. Heading to school started to chip away at those structures to help me discovery who I really was. Battling change, loneliness, self-doubt, and the future, I wasn't sure what exactly was in store for me. Luckily, I met some of my very best friends in the world during the back half of my freshman year and everything changed. I realized I could take the classes I wanted to take (Music appreciation, Intro to Cinema Studies, etc) and that my coursework was what I made of it. While UNH offered a fair amount of generic classes that have to be taken in order to earn a degree, they really began to shine within my English major. The lessons I learned in my creative fiction classes are lessons that I still implement today. Things like "be fair to your villains" and "write what you love, not just what you know." While there's no single path to success and no two experiences are the same, I adored the professors in my field. Some of the more generic classes like a foreign language course, or Rhetoric in Film felt unnecessary to the end goal, but I also understood why it was required to take them. It was to expose us to many different paths so that when graduation came, we could be best prepared to take the next step onto one. The campus is beautiful, too. I've never been a city person and have lived in my fair share, so to see the University tucked in the woods of New Hampshire felt like a welcomed relief. Everything is far enough away for the school to be spread out but the campus is also built to accommodate. I never had any trouble getting to where I needed to be, or finding the resources to be successful."
Nicole Decoteau
- Reviewed: 4/7/2018
- Degree: English
- Graduation Year: 2006
"UNH was a fantastic place to study; however, I found that I needed smaller classes in order to motivate myself to get to class on time and consistently. Once I was in my major classes, as opposed to general education classes, there were fewer students per class and my grades improved. So, if you're self-motivated and ready to learn, it's a great school. If you feel like you need more structure, perhaps consider community college for the first two years, or a smaller college in general."
- Reviewed: 5/22/2017
- Degree: Computer Science
- Graduation Year: 2013
"very great university with lots of opportunities."
Susan C.
- Reviewed: 3/31/2017
- Degree: Education
- Graduation Year: 1987
"I can speak to the value of this program now having been in the work world for 30 years. The classes make you think, and help you articulate your own philosophy of education. The professors get to know students individually and seek out opportunities to let you stretch yourself. I had several different profs who mentored me by bringing me to professional conferences, exposing me to leaders in my field. Recommendations from them, because they knew me well, opened doors for my best job ever. Several professors have remained life-long contacts, and when I dedicated my first published book to two of them, they both remembered me. My reunion to present one with the book led to similar in-depth thought-provoking conversations; it's like no time had passed! If you are ready to share your thinking with caring, involved leaders and mentors and grow intellectually and professionally, this program will help you do that."
Graham Peterson
- Reviewed: 3/22/2017
- Degree: Music
- Graduation Year: 2017
"My perspective off the University of New Hampshire is unique. I was not originally accepted to the institution and had to spend time at a comparable university for a semester to receive admission in the following spring. I feel that this has allowed me to not take my education for granted and look at it in a very honest light. I enrolled at the University studying Music Performance and found that I was able to study with some of the most exceptional music faculty in New England. The program, however, did not favor transfer students well. As many UNH students have experienced, I was unable to pass one of my required semesters of ear training, and as a result of my transfer status was removed from the program as I would no longer be able to matriculate on-time. I instead choice to study history with an emphasis on music history. The history department at UNH is filled with some of the most impressive scholars in their respective fields. I feel as though I received one of the premier history educations in the nation while being pushed to pursue my goals of studying Musicology and Ethnomusicology on the graduate level. I was also able to keep in close contact with the exceptional musicology faculty who have guided me through my graduate application process. Though I have had issue with the structure of the music major at UNH I understand that it conforms to a national standard. Overall my time at UNH has been exceptional and I feel uniquely prepared to take on rigorous course work in Graduate School."
Curtis J. Hill
- Reviewed: 3/2/2017
- Degree: History
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I transferred to the University of New Hampshire (UNH) during my Sophomore year from the University of Southern Maine (USM), which was a smaller state school and I had to pay out of state tuition. USM was more expensive and had less opportunity to network, attain career advise, get involved in internships and volunteer opportunities, whereas the History Dept. at UNH helped me network with students and faculty, had required faculty advisors meeting and a range of open hours as well as strong encouragement, support and outreach for internships which helped me start my career."
No nickname
- Reviewed: 1/3/2017
- Degree: Mathematics
- Graduation Year: 1971
"Love the University the instructors were very helpful."
- Reviewed: 1/3/2017
- Degree: Occupational Therapy
- Graduation Year: 2013
"UNH was a good school for the OT program. It is however a very large school and undergrad general credit classes were very large."
- Reviewed: 1/3/2017
- Degree: Occupational Therapy
- Graduation Year: 2007
"Good school, lots of activities for students"
Kat O.
- Reviewed: 9/20/2016
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2001
"UNH is a beautiful campus in a sweet, supportive small town. The classes are fantastic and the faculty are typically passionate about their work. I found it easy to get into the classes I wanted, and even to create schedules that worked for me. There's always something fun going on around campus. UNH is also a socially responsible, eco-friendly environment. I learned a lot in my time there and would happily recommend the school to others."
Cody Webber
- Reviewed: 7/21/2016
- Degree: Accounting
- Graduation Year: 2016
"UNH has treated me very well and their business program is the best in New England. The professors are knowledgeable and have real world experience, so they can relate the things we're learning with actual real life situations and applications. The dining halls are superb."
Happy Hampshire
- Reviewed: 5/31/2016
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2012
"The University of New Hampshire was a supportive college with solid professors and administrative staff who cared about my education and success. Through my major I had opportunities to work in a lab closely with a professor which was a very valuable experience. I did not find my major very challenging. However, this allowed me to participate as a student leader on campus which was very rewarding."
- Reviewed: 11/30/2015
- Degree: Social Work
- Graduation Year: 2012
"I would NOT recommend this school. Internships were a huge part of this program, and I paid thousands of dollars for absolutely horrible internships. The school really had no other options for me, and I did not gain the skills or experience I should have from 2 internships. The school was not timely in addressing problems with internships. They say they offer many different classes, but in reality, you only have a couple of choices because they rotate the courses something like every 7 years- not helpful when a program is 2 years. They also go out of their way to cater to part-time students, so many full-time students experienced frustration with scheduling issues (ex: having only one class a day, not offering electives, only offering certain classes at the Manchester campus). I cannot in good conscience recommend this school or program, based on my experience."
- Reviewed: 11/9/2015
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2012
"It was a great school! The campus is beautiful, close enough to the beach and other shopping. The food is FANTASTIC! I had good experiences with most of my teachers and there were many choices for classes! It was overall an amazing experience that I would recommend to all! It is expensive for out of staters, however."
- Reviewed: 11/3/2015
- Degree: History
- Graduation Year: 2012
"I was provided with many tools to help me succeed in both the History and Geography programs. But the most important was the faculty, who were very helpful. The tuition was pretty high for a state school, though. But you got a lot for it. The course selection that I had made me think in ways I had not done before and created a more open mind for myself."