University of New Haven Reviews

  • 34 Reviews
  • West Haven (CT)
  • Annual Tuition: $44,184
100% of 34 students said this degree improved their career prospects
91% of 34 students said they would recommend this school to others
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Jeremy Johnson
  • Reviewed: 9/8/2021
  • Degree: Public Administration
"Until financial aid and the bursar office can get it together, stay away. I have issue after issue with the financial department. From them keeping disbursement funds from summer and not figuring it out until fall after being told, to classes almost over before disbursements go out. When you have to buy books and supplies or new laptop with those funds, they put you in a bad position to be successful. They used to be really good but like everything COVID is an excuse for awful service that breaks policy. FAFSA needs to be notified."
  • Reviewed: 5/18/2021
  • Degree: Communications
"I spent much of the graduation ceremony yesterday watching the President and Provost chat it up with each other on stage (and on 5 foot high screens). When they were not chatting it up they were checking their phones and texting. The dean of Health Sciences was also checking her phone during the ceremony. This was happening while students were onstage getting their diplomas. It was disgraceful. These students spent $120,000 on their degrees, worked hard for four years, have student loans that they will be paying back for 20 years. Yet the people whose very steep salaries they paid for with their tuition couldn't be bothered to stay off their phones long enough to honor these young adults. What a disgrace."
  • Reviewed: 6/1/2019
  • Degree: Nutrition
"This school is a good school if you prefer smaller campuses but it is still developing. The school continues to expand in all aspects(location and programs). There are many opportunities, so take full advantages of career services, campus life & clubs, internship opportunities, and networking events. They provided financial assistance for incoming student with good standing. The nutrition department is small which was beneficial because I knew everyone and the staff. The school now has a dietetic internship program which could be beneficial for students who are planning to apply to the dietetic internship after graduation."
Elise Kohl-Grant
  • Reviewed: 5/11/2019
  • Degree: Communications
"At the University of New Haven, there is an open campus for students to interact and engage in their personal and professional developments. UNH has a unique and personal educational approach with distinguished academic programs to ensure that students excel at whatever it is they choose to do. I would highly recommend living on campus in order to get the full college experience. The specialized program really helps target certain areas of interest. However, I wish they were stronger on the core aspects of education. There were core finance, leadership and economic classes that did not seem to be impactful. I recommend that if you come here, you have an idea of what you want to specialize in. Professors are generally helpful and I was able to make some strong relationships with faculty. On a very positive tip, I made strong friendships that I still have 15 years later! It is fun to go into town and I highly recommend attending other college events around the area like Yale and UCONN."
  • Reviewed: 2/9/2018
  • Degree: Industrial Engineering
"This program was not a good investment at all. I like the fact that they have diversity, however I was literally the only American citizen in Engineering. We had to stop class so people could be taught Microsoft Word and Excel Basics. If you are a prospective student I highly suggest you choose something other than industrial engineering, or in my case, transfer immediately after one semester to a better one."
Brian Spilmer
  • Reviewed: 12/26/2017
  • Degree: Political Science
"The admissions process is rather screwy. I had to meet with the Department Chairman because I thought I was registered for disability services. In the application package it says "Please submit your medical information." It was a weird policy because after they make a decision the admissions department holds onto it. They do not do the logical thing by mailing it to the disabilities office where they can register it so you can take advantage. You have to re-submit your paperwork. Fortunately I believe the process is being changed. Taking night classes is easier because the parking is better except during football season. So, you should allow yourself enough time by going to campus at least 30 minutes early. This will allow you to explore all the commuter parking lots. If you take a weekend seminar be warned. You will get a 30 minute break and the only thing in walking distance is a Subway. There is a Pizza joint a few roads nearby if you have a car. The campus is closed down. Part from being a graduate assistant do not expect to be hired by stores ran by contracted companies. There is a policy against it. Part from that the faculty were great and they do root for you. You have to perform high though for them to be willing to recommend you."
  • Reviewed: 9/1/2017
  • Degree: Chemistry
"Well educated staff who are always willing to help those in need."
Ms Ambitious
  • Reviewed: 9/1/2017
  • Degree: Business
"I loved UNH, I felt connected to my professors as most of them taught from life experiences not just from books. They provided real world situations and solutions that we would face during our careers. By the time I completed my degrees, I felt confident, educated, and enlightened."
  • Reviewed: 7/22/2017
  • Degree: Fire Science
"My degree in fire science administration didn't help me immediately in my career, but feel I feel it helped me to progress into a well rounded and capable leader. I feel it certainly gave me a step up on other candidates for promotion. The exposure to professionals who valued education early in my career was very helpful in developing me as a professional."
Stephanie Chandler
  • Reviewed: 3/31/2017
  • Degree: Criminal Justice
"My experience at the University of New Haven is something that I would not trade for anything. Every professor that I encountered has incredible experience in the field they are teaching and to this day I hear their names mentioned outside of the school's environment. The education itself is invaluable and a degree from UNH has served me quite well post graduation. The small campus next to a big city feel serves the perfect purpose for outside of class. You have the opportunities to get to know your peers and grow with them while simultaneously being next to the beautiful bustling city of New Haven. As a Criminal Justice student, I was given multiple internship and networking opportunities to help guide me past graduation. Aside from the expenses and a few administrative frustrations that are common on most campuses. I would highly recommend this school to anyone who is pursuing a career in the field of Criminal Justice"
Monica Cecio
  • Reviewed: 3/30/2017
  • Degree: Accounting
"The college is recently accredited with the AACSB. This board will enhance resumes for future career opportunities because employer's will see that the student attended an university which is prestigious and has a strong curriculum. The University of New Haven, although known for Criminal Justice, has a heavy focus on business subjects as well."
Ruqayyah Abdurlahoof
  • Reviewed: 3/10/2017
  • Degree: Biology
"If you are interested in pursing your degree in Criminal Justice or Forensic Science I suggest attending this university. You will have an ample amount of resources if you are interested in pursing a career with the government or any job that allows for you use these degrees. Any other major I would highly suggest looking into other universities. At the University of New Haven the curriculum is self driven. You have to stay on top of what courses you need to graduate because a lot of the time your advisor will give you a course schedule and then next semester, when policies change for your major, you will essentially fall a semester behind. You have to search for internships on your own that will advance in your chosen career path. UNH is a developing university and is looking for new opportunities to maximize their revenue so essentially they are more focused on getting new students in on their increased tuition than keeping their third and fourth year students around. I managed to get a great job after college but I worked tirelessly all four years to ensure my post grad fate. I only worked jobs in college that were relevant to my major and refused to do anything else. Overall the university is okay for those who are pursuing anything other than CJ or FS but you have to push all four year on your own to ensure that you end up where you want to. The price tag may not be worth it however. Do your research. Talk to current students and see if they disagree with my review and if they do UNH may be the perfect fit for you."
Hailee Henggeler
  • Reviewed: 2/1/2017
  • Degree: Criminal Justice
"The best thing about the University of New Haven is the people. The staff is knowledgeable, kind, and overall extremely helpful to their students. For Criminal Justice specifically, the professors are fantastic. They have real world experience that they can pull from during lectures and they are always willing to answer any and all questions from their students. The students are generally friendly and intelligent. They are also extremely motivated. Everyone in the program works very hard to make the University and themselves look good through their schoolwork and grades. Overall, UNH is a great school with a fantastic Criminal Justice Program."
  • Reviewed: 1/24/2017
  • Degree: Education
"It was quick but hard work to earn my masters degree. Most of the classes were beneficial. The professors were helpful."
  • Reviewed: 1/3/2017
  • Degree: Criminal Justice
"I really enjoyed the classes I took; especially since we had the famous Henry Lee come in and talk about such cases as the wood chipper murder and the jonbenet case."
  • Reviewed: 9/16/2016
  • Degree: Psychology
"The professor within the psychology department are really helpful! Definitely have a lot to offer, they are very knowledgeable and make the classes exciting. Especially History of Systems, Professor Michaud made it fun and we wanted to be in class. Melissa Whitson is one of the best advisors at the school! Very helpful! Proud to be an alum of UNH! I enjoyed my stay, from academics all the way to the athletics department! Thank you everyone for an amazing 4 years of my life."
  • Reviewed: 5/31/2016
  • Degree: Forensic Science
"Thought it was OK. Kind of expensive even with the reduction in price for being a Biology Dept. TA. Higher degree likely helped me get my job in the field, but as a public servant the salary isn't very high and paying off student loans was challenging."
  • Reviewed: 9/1/2015
  • Degree: Psychology
"Great college with very knowledgable professors. Grad courses can be challenging especially in applied practice classes but this will only help improve your skills and knowledge."
Vanessa Tabuteau
  • Reviewed: 2/3/2015
  • Degree: Elementary Education
"The graduate programs offers great support from advisors at all times."
Deaci-ann Wallen
  • Reviewed: 1/23/2015
  • Degree: Psychology
"Pros- University of New Haven offers different programs, especially for students who also work full time. They are able to work wit the students, to find a schedule that fit their needs. Con- Sometimes the work load can become overwhelming."