University of New Mexico Reviews
12 Reviews - Albuquerque (NM)
- Annual Tuition: $26,411
100% of 12 students said this degree improved their career prospects
83% of 12 students said they would recommend this program to others
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Write a Review Weston Baker
- Reviewed: 5/10/2019
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2019
"The psychology program at UNM is top notch. It hold all the characteristics you would expect in a good program. The academic goals are high but attainable. The teachers are well informed and helpful. The staff behind the scenes was also very helpful. History was a different matter. The material was amazing and the standards were high; however the history professors are very arrogant and are not open to suggestions. The faculty does not seem to communicate with each other and there is no standard within the department. Each professor has wildly different requirements even when it comes down to what is expected within the text. It made it difficult to learn because you are spending half the time learning exactly what the teacher wants not the material they are trying to present."
Cory Blair Chavez-Beckwith
- Reviewed: 3/21/2018
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The Psychology program at UNM is full of very knowledgeable and very experienced scholars. I learned a lot about people, the way our mind works and how it applies to every day life. It did an okay job at preparing me for a career in Psychology, but mostly just a research career. Not so much a career in counseling. Overall, I would say it is a good solid program that gives you access to many amazing mentors, I do recommend it to someone who is solidly interested in Psychology."
Jennifer Knox
- Reviewed: 2/22/2017
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2014
"The University of New Mexico is a wonderful choice in higher education. The campus is beautiful year round and the architecture is artwork compared to other business light schools. I remember thinking that Zimmerman library is the most beautiful places on campus! There was always so much to do and so many clubs and activities to get involved in and be a part of. I joined the All-girl Cheerleading program and loved every minute of it. My classes were wonderful and my teachers were inspirational. There is such a difference that is made when your teacher truly loves what he or she does. The passion they spoke with encouraged me to dive right into the path I was on. The University of New Mexico was the right choice for me and will certainly be the right choice for you!"
Reilly Watanabe
- Reviewed: 11/30/2016
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2006
"There are great teachers at UNM. The staff is also very helpful. While I didn't use any financial aid, when I had to talk to the Bursers office they were very helpful. The only thing is that since your classes can be very far from each other make sure to plan extra time to get places on campus."
- Reviewed: 3/25/2016
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Attending the University of New Mexico was such a great experience. I earned scholarships such as the Lottery which helped in taking off the stress of paying for school. I can't complain about one professor there. The Psychology department is full of intelligent and caring professors who have had a lot of experience in their field before teaching. As I got closer to graduating, I found a group of the same people in each of my higher-leveled courses, and they were all nice and into being there to learn and succeed. List of some of the best courses I've taken with highly recommended professors by their last names: Gender in Communication (E), Greek Mythology (C), Multicultural Communication (E), Infant Development (Wi), Drugs and Behavior (J), Psychology of Personality (A), and Positive Psychology (s)."
- Reviewed: 4/6/2015
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Not only was the process to get enrolled extremely prolonged, but the experience of attending this school was not very pleasant. A majority of the students attending were very rude and disrespectful towards the instructors. As for the instructors, most were brought to UNM from CNM and were either set in their ways of how they taught at CNM or were just horrific teachers that conducted their classrooms in a very tedious manner. The larger the classrooms were, the less you were able to contact the instructor and gain feedback or be eligible for office hours. The CAPS department was very helpful, but only if you were able to take a large chunk of your time to go up to see someone for help. The advisors are absolutely atrocious and have no idea what they are even telling you about what you need for your degree and what next semester holds. I was convinced that I needed 18 credit hours in order to receive my degree and still have my scholarship, but was lied to and deceived. I ended up having to drop out due the amount of stress and anxiety I was enduring just to try to keep up with a full-time job and the maximum amount of hours."