University of Oregon Reviews
129 Reviews - Eugene (OR)
- Annual Tuition: $41,700

96% of 129 students said this degree improved their career prospects
93% of 129 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
Ivy O'Neal
- Reviewed: 12/27/2019
- Degree: Architecture
- Graduation Year: 2006
"My architectural training and degree has been an incredibly valuable and worthwhile investment. Architecture allows students to utilize both the left and right brain equally, studying everything from physics to art history, while simultaneously developing profound critical thinking skills. Architecture trains students in the intangibles that the professional world is looking for; creative thinking, complex problem solving, collaborative work skills, and the ability to communicate your ideas. It is also a strong signifier of hard work and intellect. You simply cannot make it through a program without both. The University of Oregon's Architecture program is well balanced - there is focus both on the conceptual and practical side of creating meaningful architecture. This balance is both its strength and weakness, as the downside is that it is not the best in either. However, the dual focus offers students a solid foundation to walk into a firm upon completion. It is a rigorous program that is appropriately demanding. You will not see the rest of campus, your courses will mostly be determined for you, and you will live in the architecture studios. It will be your life. But, it is worth it. With the little bit of time that you will have, Eugene can be a great place to spend your college years. There is access to endless outdoor activities, a thriving social and sports scene, and a faculty that feels committed to the work, but that still enjoys life outside the University. Eugene can feel isolated, with Portland a two-hour drive away. Both lack significant diversity, and embrace the causal west coast vibe, but you can find many people with open minds. My time at UO, and my architectural degree, set me up to successfully complete a master's degree, and now a Ph.D. I would recommend both UO and the architecture program."
Meghan Hilden
- Reviewed: 12/16/2019
- Degree: Liberal Studies
- Graduation Year: 2017
"The program is very close and the professors are awesome. One thing that really stands out with my resume since graduating University of Oregon is the amount of field service experience I have. For the Family and Human Service degree, it is apart of the curriculum to gain field experience hours. This is what makes you stand apart from others on a resume. I was able to gain experience in multiple settings and learn how to apply my education in that field."
- Reviewed: 8/2/2019
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2019
"I completed my post-bacc in CDS at the U of O last Fall. Overall, I had a great experience. I am a non-traditional student- I received my Bachelor's degree more than a decade ago and I'm a mom. However, I found that I was not alone as an older student and had several peers in the program with me. Additionally, many of the undergrads were delightful and kind, and I enjoyed getting to know them in my classes. My CDS professors were either excellent or good. They were available for office hours and I felt that I could ask questions and receive thoughtful answers. The classes were challenging but fairly graded and I learned a lot in most of them. There were opportunities for hands on experience and work in the clinic at the university. As far as "cons": I found it difficult to get information prior to enrolling in the program and would have liked to be able to talk with someone more about my specific situation during that process and the process of applying to grad school."
- Reviewed: 6/29/2019
- Degree: Architecture
- Graduation Year: 2019
"The architecture school at the University of Oregon was a great program. Over the course of five years I made friends throughout the architecture program as well as landscape architecture, interior design, and art. The overall program allows you to explore outside your major and take classes and design studios that focus on furniture design, landscape design, etc. outside of architecture. My friends and I took many of these studios and classes and were able to learn and incorporate new ideas into our majors. The professors are always helpful and are focused on creating lasting connections with all of their students. (This past year I met many past alumni that came to see my studio professor that had taken classes and studios from him back in the 80s and 90s.) The main focus of the architecture program at the University of Oregon is sustainability. Classes in passive house design and certification are offered and many of the construction classes focus on passive design methods. This is similar for the landscape program too, which I minored in and took several classes on stormwater/green infrastructure design and vegetated roofs. Besides the architecture program, the overall university is beautiful and easy to walk across from one class to the other. Different areas and cafes all over the campus offer easy locations to sit and study as well as meet with professors or friends. Currently, the Knight Campus is being built as well as a new stadium for track and field - expanding the overall campus and some of its programs offered."
Brenna Drumm
- Reviewed: 6/14/2019
- Degree:
- Graduation Year: 2015
"My four years at the University of Oregon were a dream come true. Ever since I stepped foot onto that beautiful campus, I knew that I was meant to be there for the next four years. Back then, I believed that I wanted to be a High School History teacher, and so, instead of pursuing the renowned UofO Education Degree, I chose to pursue a degree in History, with a minor in Political Science. This would give me the content knowledge required to teach the subject that I held so near and dear. And that choice did not disappoint. There were so many engaging and interesting History and Political Science courses offered at the University of Oregon, and in my later years I honestly do not think that there was a teacher that I did not like. Every topic, from Ancient Rome, to the History of Soccer to the Politics of Technology, broadened my horizons and ability to ingest such unique information and insights from qualified and talented professors. I highly, highly recommend this school for other reasons as well, considering you can create the life that you want at a school that screams diversity and innovation."
Madelene Reichard
- Reviewed: 5/1/2019
- Degree: Education
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The program was excellent, please make sure you pay close attention to the prerequisites to be admitted into the undergraduate program. Some people were not on track by the end of sophomore year and that can create some down time within your degree. The education department is very transparent and they will give you a list of specific classes that you need to be admitted into the program. The field experience component in undergraduate is one of my favorite experiences. It allows you be within the community and classrooms and work on your teaching skills. You work with excellent teachers in the Willamette Valley at a diverse number of schools. The classes are focused on social justice and equity, so if you are familiar with those topics great! If you are not the professors do a wonderful job making sure everyone feels included and represented."
- Reviewed: 3/31/2019
- Degree: Accounting
- Graduation Year: 2010
"Overall, my time at the University of Oregon was beneficial. As with any school, there are pros and cons. I transferred to the U of O after my freshman year at another school. The school doesn't offer the same resources for transfer students as incoming freshmen, and oftentimes I felt rather lost searching for information on my own. I wasn't ever assigned a specific academic advisor, even once I declared a major. Being a liberal arts institution, I was disappointed with the inflexibility of scheduling my classes and the types of classes I was limited to taking because of degree-specific stipulations. I would have liked to take more classes just because the subject interested me. The school is also on a quarter system, so classes only last about 12 weeks, only 8-10 weeks in the summer. This is very fast paced and sometimes I felt I didn't have enough time with the material to understand or appreciate it as much as I wanted. I think the model they've designed is suited to people who really know what they want to do from the outset of starting college. All this being said, once I decided on a major and settled into fulfilling the degree requirements, I enjoyed the quality of the classes and most of what I took. The professors I had were very engaging and all willing to interact during office hours. They generally took an interest in who I was as a person, not only in the fact I was taking one of their courses. In the business school specifically, they aim to create a sense of community among the students and alumni. The offerings for different student groups and other opportunities are tremendous. The campus itself is beautiful, filled with brick buildings and rolling green lawns. My least favorite place was the library because it was so dark and the ceiling was so low. But there are many other wonderful spaces to study on campus."
- Reviewed: 3/18/2019
- Degree: Business Administration
- Graduation Year: 2013
"Great supply chain program with dedicated program head, does all that he can to ensure his student's success. University of Oregon was a great school to go to with a very beautiful campus and town. Other than that one adjunct professor I had early in my college days (not part of the supply chain program), each faculty member I encountered was always willing to help and chat about my future. Students also cared about their university and many were active in different activities offered by the school. Eugene is also a beautiful town, many great memories hiking and swimming in the summer. Lots of opportunities for student employment as well with flexible hours."
Rich K
- Reviewed: 4/18/2018
- Degree: Architecture
- Graduation Year: 2013
"The University of Oregon's architecture program was significant in my understanding of and development in sustainable architecture. I highly recommend the program to students and aspiring architects hoping to practice this type of architecture. It should be noted that throughout the education at the school, the sustainability aspects are very much integrated and embedded in all of the courses and work. It may seem at times that the school barely touches on the popular ideas of what sustainable architecture looks like, but, really, the school teaches an advanced concept of sustainability, one significantly tied to questions about society, equity, the economy, and culture."
Gricelda Harshbarger
- Reviewed: 3/27/2018
- Degree: History
- Graduation Year: 2018
"As an unconventional student, I feel that this school does not cater to working adults. There is severe lack of online courses available for History majors and most courses are only available during the day. This makes it extremely difficult to maintain a job, other than part time, which seriously limits earning potential while attending school. For someone that is striving to avoid student loans and did not receive any financial assistance from their parents, this makes staying out of debt rather difficult. However, the actual History program has been very interesting and the teachers are very well organized. Classes are very reading intensive and focus heavily on papers, which is to be expected in a history course."
Bryan Robinson
- Reviewed: 3/26/2018
- Degree: Journalism
- Graduation Year: 2014
"The University of Oregon is an excellent school. I received a BA in Journalism from the School of Journalism and Communications. Their instructors were current and very knowledgeable of the field. They provided many opportunities for internships and hands-on learning. For example, I was a contributor to Flux Magazine which is a student run publication. They allowed me to really dig into the article content, which I worked on for nearly three months. The result was an truly immersive experience of what I could expect as a journalism professional. I highly recommend anyone to consider a BA in Journalism from the University of Oregon"
Lauren Balsiger
- Reviewed: 3/1/2018
- Degree: Education
- Graduation Year: 2018
"The University of Oregon's educational foundations major is a cohort style which helps students learn together throughout the program and share their experiences. The professors are passionate and educated in their fields and provide a solid example for the type of teacher they wish for you to become. They utilize a social justice framework which is important for how diverse schools are becoming. The downside to this program is that it doesn't give you a license so without a master's degree you are not a licensed teacher and will not be able to be a head teacher in a classroom with this degree. The University of Oregon has also become very expensive in tuition and raises each year make the financial burden heavy."
Jim Christensen
- Reviewed: 1/7/2018
- Degree: Business Administration
- Graduation Year: 1975
"At the time I attended the UofO Business School, there was an effort to reduce the class sizes because the program was very popular. Consequently, grading was a bit tough. But, the professors were good and they helped prepare us for our careers and in my case, the CPA exam and a career in financial management as well as general business management."
Ronda Christensen
- Reviewed: 12/28/2017
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2010
"I attended the University of Oregon for my Bachelor of Science degree in psychology. I really enjoyed the school and felt it was a perfect fit for me. The campus is absolutely beautiful and well kept. All buildings were within walking distance and easily accessible. The library was exceptionally large with more than enough computers and study rooms for people to rent out and use. I really enjoyed the instructors at the University as well. In the Psychology department more specifically, the instructors were passionate and engaged with their students. The city itself was quant and enjoyable. It was easy to get around and everything was either within walking distance, or a short bus ride away. The only issues I can recall at this point were having to physically wait in line for football tickets which I was unable to do due to work, although that process has since changed. I also did not feel fully supported in finding work post graduation but feel that may not be a unique problem. I would attend the University again if I had to go back. I miss it often and think highly of the University!"
Taylor Elliott
- Reviewed: 12/19/2017
- Degree: Marriage & Family Therapy
- Graduation Year: 2019
"This program has been wonderful to be in. I recommend it because it is inclusive to diverse populations and stresses that as a theme of the program. The CFT program requires deep thinking and self-reflection which I feel will make any cohort member a productive therapist in their future. The program gives the students as many resources as possible. We as graduate students get after hours access to our main building for studying, as well as a graduate study space in two different complexes elsewhere. The professors are professional, but still very personable. The expectations of assignments and progress in the whole program are made very clear. Overall, I love this program. It is a lot of work in and out of the classroom, but I would not change it or anything."
John Stiegeler
- Reviewed: 12/14/2017
- Degree: Education
- Graduation Year: 2008
"The U of O has a great education program, especially their Special Education. It's one of the best and has an amazing research arm to it as well. They run the EasyCBM and DIBELS sites for student monitoring and data collection. They do an excellent job of placing students in classrooms near where they live and work hard to prepare the next generation of teachers."
Alvaro Halto
- Reviewed: 9/21/2017
- Degree: Architecture
- Graduation Year: 2020
"The architecture faculty all have impressive backgrounds. Each have studied at some of the countries finest architecture schools, and have worked with some of the greats. You'll definitely find a mentor fits you along the way. The school also provides many resources to help students obtain jobs/internships. Many of the graduating students all have jobs upon graduating."
Ben Zang
- Reviewed: 9/12/2017
- Degree: MBA
- Graduation Year: 2019
"I'm just starting out in the EMBA program and just completed our residency week. I thought our first 4 days together were well thought out and provided both an esprit de corps and a good foundation on which to build. I was a bit surprised at how introspective the program made me after my first week, but am looking forward to learning and exploring more."