University of the Rockies Reviews
12 Reviews - Denver (CO)

67% of 12 students said this degree improved their career prospects
58% of 12 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
Dianna Huhn
- Reviewed: 11/6/2017
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2018
"Being a part of the University of the Rockies' Master's and Doctoral programs has been life-changing in a positive way. My professors, advisors, access wellness, and support staff have been wonderful. My life has been enriched by each one. The knowledge gained through coursework, and interacting with fellow students online and in residency, has inspired and enlightened my life. The university's motto: Rise Above is appropriate. I have been given hope, tools, and wings. Thank you."
Maegan Holmes
- Reviewed: 8/9/2017
- Degree: Organizational Leadership
- Graduation Year: 2017
"The best university there is! The curriculum is awesome and the professors are excellent. The professors won't give you easy A's. Hard work and dedication are the main requisites to succeed. No excuses. Thank you UoR! I won't regret the opportunity of being under your wing. The academic atmosphere is intellectually stimulating."
- Reviewed: 7/23/2017
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I had an amazing experience at this university. The majority of the professors were extremely competent and qualified to be teaching psychology courses. I found the course work challenging, therefore, I had to put a lot of effort into studying and completing assignments on time. I now have a very successful career that is related to my degree."
- Reviewed: 7/2/2016
- Degree: Organizational Leadership
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Do not attend this school. They want your money while they offer a poor education. They are not qualified to educate doctorate level students. They do not follow Title IX mandates and do not care when injustice runs rampant on their campus. Find a state-run school, or at least a for-profit with more foundation. This school is continually changing professors and structure at the expense of students. Terrible experience once Bridgepoint Education took over."
- Reviewed: 8/7/2015
- Degree: Organizational Leadership
- Graduation Year: 2015
"This university is very disorganized and self-serving. I strongly recommend you stay away. I have a 4.0 grade point average and yet I do not recommend this school to anyone interested in receiving a solid education. They have told me "I think it is going to get better" for several years. They have not improved, only deteriorated, and keep changing the expectations. Find a school with some personal history and stability, and one that puts student needs and interests front and center."
- Reviewed: 6/29/2015
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2014
"This was a very good program, rigorous. I especially liked that the work was entirely analytical through papers, no testing. This is more like real life. The professors were, except for one, very capable and supportive, and the interactive student model was very effective in opening up my eyes to different ways of seeing issues. I was well prepared for my future and was employed immediately after my work was completed."
- Reviewed: 5/10/2015
- Degree: Clinical Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2010
"I attended the University of the Rockies from 2005-2010. This institution has consistently been mismanaged and poorly run. Several students were negatively impacted during my time at the University of the Rockies because the school was so poorly managed. In my case, I was not able to complete my degree due to several changes in my dissertation chair, as professors retired, quit and were fired. UoR hired multiple graduates of their PsyD. program to be professors in the same program. This demonstrates their lack of commitment to hiring experienced professors. Other recent graduates were hired into administrative positions, lacking the insights of professionals in higher education administration. Many students attended on the promise that the PsyD. program would become APA accredited... thus far it has not. The University's failure to attain APA accreditation is demonstrative of their lack of a cohesive, functioning administration. UoR even hired an expert to advise them on their application to the APA, the expert advised them to withdraw their self-study as it was so poorly constructed and lacked sufficient data. Further, for several years, the administration of UoR claimed that it was possible to attend the program and work full time. This has proven to be nearly impossible. Classes are offered on the weekend, but practicum, internship and dissertation all require full-time involvement. Due to this requirement, most of the students I saw successfully complete the program were unemployed and were dependent on a spouse for financial support. This fact, combined with the high cost of tuition at the institution results in a very homogeneous student population seriously limiting the diversity of the student body. Not only would I not recommend this institution to anyone else, I think it should be investigated for fraud."
- Reviewed: 10/31/2010
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"I am currently taking my final course in the University of the Rockies General Psychology Master's Program. Even though this school is expensive, I feel that the quality of my education has been excellent. When I started my coursework 18 months ago, I made a goal to learn as much as could and I am very happy to say that I have exceeded that goal. I did not expect some of the coursework to be as difficult as it was, but the hard work, stress, and perseverance along with my professors and classmates, made my experience an excellent one. Some classes were not as difficult and it was easier to relax and learn. Now that I am very near the end of my studies, I can say that I had an excellent experience because I put my heart and soul into everything that I was studying."
Karen C.
- Reviewed: 10/4/2010
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"I currently taking my 9th class at the University of the Roickies, I have received 3 deserved B's and 6 deserved A's. I have found the instructors to be very competent, knowledgeable and accessible. The school is expensive but I feel I am getting a quality education and I am being challenged to succeed. I would recommend rhis school to others. The staff is very professional as well."
- Reviewed: 6/3/2010
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"Before I attended the University of Rockies I reviewed many institutions and decided to go there. My experiences so far are the instructors are qualified PHD instructors. They care about their students and demand a lot of work. I am learning things that will enhance my career. There need to be more positive comments rather than the negative from students who are successfully attending the school."
k p
- Reviewed: 4/14/2010
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"I am currently enrolled at U of R. I have experienced a mix of professors. Most have been helpful and understanding toward me. I have a 4.0 GPA. I was doing great until I got to statistics. You are expected to teach yourself how to use the software they choose (SPSS) within a week. I withdrew from statistics since I work full time and am a single parent. I've had a hard enough time keeping up with course work thus far without having to learn a new software program on my own. I simply do not have enough time to complete all of the assignments in this one class. Other than statistics, my previous classes have been mostly beneficial, but sometimes the material is dull and uninspiring. If you can manage a heavy school related work load then this program would be great for you. If I wasn't able to work on school work at my job, I would not be able to keep up with the mandatory course load. Most of my classmates where helpful and offered advice and support whenever they could. You tend to stick together as a group as you progress through your classes. That aspect is nice since you get to know one another and bond. "
- Reviewed: 2/3/2010
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"I am currently enrolled in my fifth class at the University of the Rockies. I have a 3.6 GPA. So far the educational experience has been average. Some professors offer lots of feedback while others give you a grade with a standard reply: "Nice work, per U of R rubric you meet the standards, etc.." Talking to colleagues there are much more affordable online programs. I do not regret my choice, just the amount of money I am spending for this degree."