University of Washington - Tacoma Reviews
22 Reviews - Tacoma (WA)
- Annual Tuition: $40,956

81% of 22 students said this degree improved their career prospects
91% of 22 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
- Reviewed: 5/30/2019
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2018
"I chose to attend UW Tacoma, from the many colleges I was accepted to, because I was told in a meeting with my department head that UW Tacoma had tons of internship opportunities available to me for my senior year. I transferred in as a Junior and the following Fall I met with my department head to explore internship opportunities. This time I was told that the College didnt really have any internships for my department, even though its a course on the catalogue, but that I could try to find an opportunity on my own and then see if the registrar would count it as a credit. I only chose to attend this college for the internship opportunities and because it was closer to my home than other colleges and I worked two jobs to pay for college. I left a previous career to return to college for more opportunity in my career. Its now a year and a half after I graduated and I cannot find steady work in my new field and Ive been out of my previous field too long to get back in. I also tried to make use of the career center shortly after graduating but that was a complete waste of time(and a lot of it), as the only advise I received was to work on my resume, get on LinkedIn and that my degree was in a worthless field(Yes, a career center advisor actually said that to me after they had taken 30k of my money for the degree). My advice would be to go somewhere else or make absolutely positive there is working experience as part of your program. This school is clearly not above bait and switch tactics to enroll you."
- Reviewed: 5/6/2019
- Degree: Social Work
- Graduation Year: 2011
"This program does not prepare students for successful careers in social work. Above all, it does not prepare one for the ASWB exam. I remember the faculty, in particular a professor encouraging students to work for the state of Washington and not take and pass the ASWB and get licensed like all other responsible professional social workers do. Outrageous! What an irresponsible program. If you choose social work, choose a program that will help you learn the profession and pass the ASWB, otherwise don't bother. Very few of the faculty are licensed so that should tell you something. The staff are also bigoted towards those students who don't agree with their politics. This program was a waste of time and money. If I had to do this program over again, I wouldn't. I agree with the following statement, absolutely spot-on:" Two words: Just Terrible! I'm not certain about the other programs (Business, Law, Communications, etc., etc.), but if you're looking for a school that teaches you what to think instead of how to think, then University of Washington Tacoma's Masters in Social Work will probably be a great fit. If you want a program that will help inform you and prepare you for a career in social work,,,,,, look elsewhere. The entire program is centered on training the next generation of social justice warriors and ANTIFA members, they are wholly uninterested in anything else. Even the most minor disagreement with a faculty member on their dogmatic beliefs will be seen as subversive, you will be branded heretic and brutally suppressed. If youre a free thinker or have even one critical thought in your head, stay away from University of Washington Tacoma's MSW program. Seriously, I'm not joking.""
Social Worker After All
- Reviewed: 2/20/2019
- Degree: Social Work
- Graduation Year: 2012
"Two words: Just Terrible! I'm not certain about the other programs (Business, Law, Communications, etc., etc.), but if you're looking for a school that teaches you what to think instead of how to think, then University of Washington Tacoma's Masters in Social Work will probably be a great fit. If you want a program that will help inform you and prepare you for a career in social work,,,,,, look elsewhere. The entire program is centered on training the next generation of social justice warriors and ANTIFA members, they are wholly uninterested in anything else. Even the most minor disagreement with a faculty member on their dogmatic beliefs will be seen as subversive, you will be branded heretic and brutally suppressed. If youre a free thinker or have even one critical thought in your head, stay away from University of Washington Tacoma's MSW program. Seriously, I'm not joking."
Abdullah Islam
- Reviewed: 5/29/2018
- Degree: Computer Science
- Graduation Year: 2018
"My time at the Tacoma campus of University of Washington was incredible. If you always wanted to go to a big campus with all the flare then UWT might not be for you. However if you prefer a small campus, with a tight knit community the I highly recommend you look into UWT. The campus is extremely inclusive. The quality of education is superb. In bigger campuses, much of the time you never get one-on-one time with your professors whether it be for simple homework help or perhaps something bigger. UWT being a smaller campus with smaller enrollments and class sizes, it is not at all difficult to show up at a instructors office and walk in without appointment or all the hassle. The classes feel more tailored and inclusive. The student body is extremely diverse and if you choose to commute, the drive isn't so bad either."
UWT undergrad student
- Reviewed: 4/5/2018
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2017
"An AMAZING school!! I had a professor meet me at a Caf by my house on the weekend to help me with my paper! The genuine care, support and intellect these professors have is absolutely heartwarming! THE best investement I had ever made! I was hired at my dream job before the degree was even mailed! They do not discriminate or tolerate any discrimination. A safe campus. Security is always there to walk you to your car if you ever feel unsafe. You have access to every UW campus library AND classroom- meaning you can take a class at all three campuses at no additional cost. Advisors will make the most complicated of situations seem attainable with ease. Best academic/career move I could have made."
- Reviewed: 10/23/2017
- Degree: Information Technology
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The best school I ever attended, hands down. The professors truly go above and beyond for their students. They really do care about your education and provide you with many opportunities aside from classwork (e.g. extracurricular activities, internships, research opportunities, etc.). I personally feel that UWT is not a normal school where you have typical fraternities and on-campus parties. It's a commuter school, meaning all the students drive from all over to attend classes there. The students aren't there to have fun and go to parties, they are there to learn and be the best. As for me, after I graduated and earned my B.S. in IT, I enrolled right after into the Masters in Cybersecurity and Leadership program. Finally, after I finished my master's degree, I got hired at Amazon to work in the Information Security field as a Security Technical Program Manager. As a result, I had a really good experience at UWT so 5/5 for me."
- Reviewed: 7/8/2017
- Degree: Communications
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I like UWT which is in a small town but I m earning the name from there. i have more opportunity to connect to professionals down in Tacoma than Seattle campus. I connect with professor well personally since it's a small class setting. Small Campus and nice environment."
- Reviewed: 5/22/2017
- Degree: Mathematics
- Graduation Year: 2012
"This school was great the small classroom size made it easy to get to know your classmates and the teachers would take time out to help you even if it wasn't scheduled time they truly wanted you to succeed"
- Reviewed: 5/22/2017
- Degree: Social Work
- Graduation Year: 2013
"It was close enough to my home 35 miles away, great teachers, small enough school to feel I got the support and feedback I needed."
- Reviewed: 3/31/2017
- Degree: Architecture
- Graduation Year: 2018
"This is a brand new program at the University of Washington Tacoma campus. Community Planning is a flip on the traditional "urban" planning label as it emphasizes a bottom-up approach to planning, instead of a top-down approach that is more commonly taught. The program has been seeing some growing pains, as this is the first cohort to go through the new program. However, the content/readings have been top notch (when assigned) and have been very informative. There are some classes/professors that are lacking in quality. This program is not for those who are looking for a technical degree by any means. There are no classes on GIS, no Econ courses, no financials. If you are looking for a technical degree, this is not for you. However, this is a degree for those passionate about community/neighborhood power."
Stephen Kuriatnyk
- Reviewed: 3/24/2017
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2015
"It is a privilege to have been a student and now alum of the University of Washington-Tacoma. The University of Washington is a prestigious school with high quality teaching from qualified and caring professors. I was impressed by the rigor of the academic program as well as the caliber of my fellow students in the program. All of the staff, from administrators to the faculty, are all invested in training quality nurses that will be highly skilled in the clinical setting, as well as developing interests into graduate nursing fields. The location of the campus is great, woven neatly into the downtown commercial district of Tacoma. Because of the unconventional nature of this satellite campus, it attracts students from all walks of life which help to diversify the educational environment, adding to the quality of the educational training."
- Reviewed: 1/24/2017
- Degree: Social Work
- Graduation Year: 2012
"It was great, the teachers are helpful and want you to graduate."
Carl Linke
- Reviewed: 9/2/2016
- Degree: Political Science
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Attending University of Washington-Tacoma (UW) was, hands down, one of the best experiences in my life. The school is more to me that a building where I learned facts; it is the place where my lust for knowledge and my unconditional love of learning were awakened. The most important part of any school is the teachers, and UWs professors are the finest anywhere. I had a diverse course load that included American history, modern philosophy, economics, and a wide array of political systems (and that's not even half of what UW offers), and every one of my professors was amazing! They would work with me after class and on breaks, they would guide me towards extra readings that would further my learning, and they were all passionate about their subject and job. They made me glad to be student under them. Further, the diversity of classes allows for almost any type of major, and the advising staff is extraordinarily helpful, meeting with me many times and giving detailed answers to every question. The courses are challenging and engaging, perfect for developing skills and knowledge one will need in a career. The campus is located in bustling downtown Tacoma, a blend of historic buildings and modern architecture, with stores and restaurants for busy students on all sides. I cannot say enough about UW-Tacoma; I would recommend this university to anyone. Go Huskies!"
- Reviewed: 8/1/2016
- Degree: Law
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The University of Washington - Tacoma provides its students with an excellent education with the added benefit of a private school atmosphere where students can get to know their professors personally rather than being 1 out of 400 students; at the more affordable cost of public tuition prices. It's the best of both worlds and I would highly recommend this University. The law and policy bachelors program at UWT helped prepare me for my masters program in International Economic Law."
- Reviewed: 7/29/2016
- Degree: Law
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The Law and Policy program provided a comprehensive curriculum touching on various issues and subjects pertaining to the fields of policy and legislating. The faculty are quite helpful in that each seem to be approachable and frequently accessible. Feedback throughout the quarter was critical to grow and it was provided in each of my courses regularly. The content was challenging and modern. Both seminar format and regular lecture styles were implemented. The interdisciplinary approach is an angle that I felt critical towards comprehension and later recollection of the material post-graduation. Overall, I was satisfied with the degree."
- Reviewed: 9/1/2015
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2011
"I loved my college experience! The campus is located downtown Tacoma with easy access to public transportation (to basically anywhere). The campus is relatively new and still expanding. Class sizes are small, and the teachers were engaging. I would highly recommend this college! It would be easy to get a part-time job around campus. No car needed. There are plenty of fun places to hang out around campus - the Matress Factory or the UW YMCA. There are also several museums nearby, the water front, and lots of outdoor activities (parks, bike lanes/trails, hiking)."
University of Washington, Tacoma
- Reviewed: 5/8/2015
- Degree: Agriculture
- Graduation Year: 2010
"In general, UWT was a rewarding and accessible choice for me. They offered a variety of class schedules to fit my needs and many of the professors were more than willing to assist students to ensure they saw the maximum benefit from their courses. Some teachers however left a lot to be desired and would refuse to teach outside of their prepared slideshow and refused to slow down and explain concepts that many students didn’t understand. I ultimately abandoned my minor because the teachers within that program either took a more passive approach to teaching or didn’t put a high priority on the “one-on-one” small class size teaching style that the Tacoma campus advertised. Overall, I loved this campus and many of their professors, but I would definitely caution new students to review their professors online before taking certain courses."
Nicholas Diak
- Reviewed: 8/30/2013
- Degree:
- Graduation Year: 2012
"I attended the University of Washington (Tacoma Campus) from 2006 to 2012, with the first 4 years being on campus and the last 2 via email communications. The program was the Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences program for the Masters Degree. I was enrolled in school part time, electing to take night classes in order to accommodate work full time. The class room portion of the program was actually well done. The night classes were quite accommodating, and the professors knowledgeable and many going out of their way to meet with students one on one to ensure success. If there was a grip the teachers directed to us as students, was that our quality of writing was not graduate-level. This did lead to a few instances of sub par papers being composed by us and teachers spending more time to help us with our writing than with our learning. The IAS program however is severely flawed, and I unfortunately I had to experience it at its worst. The composing of thesis and forming a committee is not setup for practically. While the program is “interdisciplinary” and places focus on framing arguments, presenting research and your case, the professors are anything but. If your thesis doesn’t fit into the norm of what the professors are proficient in, they will close their door on you. So even though the program is interdisciplinary, the professors are not. I had the unfortunately set back that my thesis chair passed away during my thesis composition. Unfortunately no professors would immediately step up to join my committee and the heads of the program would not assist – placing strictly the onus back on me to reform or hoping I would drop the program. This was not a sympathetic way to go about this, and the lack of empathy made me feel devalued as a student. I was able to eventually able to reform a committee, with one member begrudgingly joining who even vocally expressed that he thought I would just drop out. In the end I did prevail, but it was a journey made harder by the ineffectualness of the program to assist me, especially in such exceptional circumstances. I feel the classroom portion of the degree helped me immensely by making me a more well rounded individual in terms of my body of knowledge, but the actual structure of the program is rubbish and not setup to be successful to the students."
Eboni Campbell
- Reviewed: 2/11/2013
- Degree: Social Work
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Pros it's a graduate program close to home and the hours are perfect for the workload. Cons is the social work program, focuses more on social justice as opposed to the clinical track... This should be an option for the program"
Ayobami Adelayi
- Reviewed: 2/5/2013
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2014
"The good thing about the University of Washington Tacoma Graduate Nursing program is the quality and professionalism instilled through the education you receive. There is high expectation of all students from the professors of the school of Nursing. Nothing comes easy, but if you put in the work, you get ahead in class and in life. The professors are readily available to support if students are struggling with concepts or class. Class sizes are small and in supportive classrooms. Use of technology is also a plus in teaching and in group discussions. As I am in the Healthcare Leadership Program, I feel like when I graduate from this program, I would easily find a job in my related field. Overall, this is a respected program in the area and in the country and it's worth every cent I'm paying for it."