USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work Reviews

  • 5 Reviews
  • Los Angeles (CA)
  • Annual Tuition: $64,666
33% of 5 students said this degree improved their career prospects
40% of 5 students said they would recommend this program to others
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Student Reviews - Master's in Social Work

Student Reviews - Master's in Social Work

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Johnny Seattle
  • Reviewed: 5/31/2023
  • Degree: Social Work
"The school has become a degree mill, especially in the MSW program. The tuition is outrageous, and there is absolutely no help as an intern by staff, unless something happens, and the job prospects are minimal in comparison to the 80 to 90k, at minimum, you are going to pay to receive this degree. If the school is certified by the Council on Social Work Education | CSWE, then it will be just as sufficient as the degree at USC. There are programs out there that are a fraction of the cost."
Lousie Price
  • Reviewed: 12/10/2018
  • Degree: Social Work
"This is an overpriced program for students who cannot get in to a program at a Cal State. The GRE is not required and they will take almost anyone just to make money. The internships are poorly supervised and the program does not prepare students for work in the field."
  • Reviewed: 2/3/2018
  • Degree: Social Work
"I regret choosing this school for my masters. Very expensive and the average income of an LCSW is not very high relative to the loans you need to go to USC. Chose this college because I thought they were selective but that's only true for undergraduate programs. A lot of the msw students are not very intelligent and get accepted with GPA's as low as 2.7. Easy As are a standard throughout the program with minimal effort. Turned in one assignment not meeting the page requirement by about 3 pages and still received an A. Most students attend this MSW program to feel superior and do not accept it is not the same as going to Usc for a bachelors. They accept a lot of students into this program because its expensive and they know dumb msw students will pay to make themselves feel superior by attending this college."
Shantell Harris
  • Reviewed: 12/10/2017
  • Degree: Social Work
"The social work program at USC introduced me to Evidence Based interventions, and as I went into my internship I felt well prepared working with my clients. I often was comllplimented on the knowledge that I possessed as a 1st year graduate student and I credit USC for that."
David Reyes
  • Reviewed: 3/28/2017
  • Degree: Social Work
"USC is a great school for anyone who is looking to gain the necessary skills to become a clinical social worker. I am currently attending USC and I absolutely love the program. The professors, staff, and my fellow students are fully engaged with the program. It's a great school!"