Whitman College Reviews
51 Reviews - Walla Walla (WA)
- Annual Tuition: $58,622

89% of 51 students said this degree improved their career prospects
100% of 51 students said they would recommend this school to others
Programs with 5+ Reviews
Student Reviews
- Reviewed: 10/9/2024
- Degree: Economics
- Graduation Year: 2027
"Throughout my application process, I felt truly supported by Whitman’s community, especially by the current students who were so helpful in guiding my decision. As an international student, I found an incredible network of resources here, and the support systems in place made my transition much smoother. The CCEC has been particularly helpful in assisting me with opportunities and growth. I’ve always felt valued and included as an individual, which has made Whitman feel like a second home to me."
- Reviewed: 4/8/2024
- Degree: Economics
- Graduation Year: 2024
"Whitman professors are easy to talk to and highly qualified. I often meet with my professors to ask questions from class and just talk about my reflections on what we're learning. To me, small classes means more discussion, participation, and sense of shared learning. I really like my politics classes right now. Recently, we had an indigenous activist Zoom in and give a very informative lecture for my Politics of Indigeneity class. Interesting clubs and chances to volunteer. I helped out with weeding to support native plants on campus this past weekend. I'm looking forward to volunteering at a kids science night at the local elementary next week and attending the Salmon Film Festival. I think a lot of students care about the environmental and place-based learning, which the college does a great job supporting. My environmental science class had lots of field trips to see the salmon hatchery, collect water samples, and observe river restoration."
- Reviewed: 2/21/2024
- Degree: Environmental Science
- Graduation Year: 2027
"Whitman College offers a great environment for students looking for a school with a smaller student population. You definitely get to know many people because you'll always see somebody you know walking around campus. I have been at Whitman for almost two semesters now, and I've noticed how getting involved in clubs, affinity groups, or ASWC can help you impact the community. Academically, I have learned a lot, not just from professors but from other students as well, during group discussions. I would definitely recommend Whitman if you like the outdoors and are looking to attend a small school."
Carly Rae
- Reviewed: 4/23/2019
- Degree: Cultural Studies
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I had an excellent academic experience at Whitman college. The professors at the school worked with me to tailor my major to my interests. I felt that I had the freedom to explore how different disciplines interacted with the field of gender studies. Additionally, I had a positive experience with the Whitman debate team. Within the team, I had a built in community that made my time at Whitman enjoyable. The resources the team had also ensured that my debate skills were supported and refined."
- Reviewed: 3/21/2018
- Degree: Economics
- Graduation Year: 2018
"I am very happy with the undergraduate experience Whitman has given me. I've grown immensely as a critical thinker, writer, and problem solver while studying under incredibly bright, friend, and invested faculty. I definitely recommend Whitman to anyone with a broad range of academic interests. Also, I've grown to love the slow-paced lifestyle of Walla Walla and small campus community at Whitman! Although Whitman takes a very liberal-arts-style approach to skills taught in the classroom (which will absolutely challenge you), there are also plenty of opportunities for professional and hard-skill growth at Whitman too (you just need to be assertive, reach out yourself and take advantage of these opportunities). For students interested in computer science, math or finance like myself, I recommend participating in the Whitman Investment Company, the Whitman Innovation Network, an independent study, research with a professor, or come up with some side project of your own in which a professor will surely be happy to assist you. The student engagement (career) center works very hard to connect motivated students with alumni/employers with internship and job opportunities, and even offers stipends to students who land unpaid internship opportunities. Personally, I had a great summer internship experience last year with a company I found through the student engagement center."
- Reviewed: 3/14/2017
- Degree: Performing Arts
- Graduation Year: 2009
"Whitman was a rigorous and challenging environment well suited for students with an appetite for learning! I value the years I spent at Whitman and the care and thoughtfulness with which our faculty approached our curriculum. The beauty of the Pacific Northwest isn't a bad perk either."
- Reviewed: 8/10/2015
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2013
"Whitman College is a beautiful place. Students are friendly, professors are tirelessly helpful. The community becomes your family. Being an extremely small school, you need to be comfortable with a complete lack of anonymity. Whitman is a place where you are forced to push yourself and where learning occurs with every aspect of activity, traits that persist long past graduation."
- Reviewed: 6/4/2015
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2013
"Had the privilege of working with incredibly intelligent and wonderful professors. I wish there was more options for a specific focus in the psychology major, but I was fortunate to be able to learn from and work with the professors that I did. I would recommend this degree program, you'll be able to work with great people."
- Reviewed: 5/7/2015
- Degree: Political Science
- Graduation Year: 1998
"Whitman College is an excellent academic institution that will prepare you for whatever job you eventually obtain. It is a nurturing, supportive environment for which students to grow scholastically and personally. It provides excellent networking opportunities for alumni and was a great experience all around for me."
- Reviewed: 5/6/2015
- Degree: English
- Graduation Year: 2002
"Whitman college is a great place to learn and grow, reflect and ponder while still young and impressionable. The English program is the finest, of course, and many lasting lessons can be taken from literature. The humanities are the reason for a liberal arts education."
Andrew Reed
- Reviewed: 2/26/2015
- Degree: History
- Graduation Year: 1997
"Amazing college experience. Great small campus with excellent professors. Classes were small and intimate and allowed for lots of one on one with instructors. The overall experience allowed me to become more well rounded and has helped immensely with running my own business"
Rick Nelson
- Reviewed: 2/24/2015
- Degree: Chemistry
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Whitman College is a great school for minds that want to constantly grow, be challenged, and adventure. The atmosphere of the school is wonderful, probably due to the fact that its a small community with exponential interconnections and relationships, all settled in a beautiful natural setting of the pacific northwest."
Donna Jones
- Reviewed: 2/24/2015
- Degree: Liberal Arts
- Graduation Year: 1976
"I felt my college experience was very good at Whitman College. I was taught critical thinking skills which have helped me in any sort of job I have undertaken."
Lyndsey P Wilson
- Reviewed: 7/12/2014
- Degree: Liberal Studies
- Graduation Year: 2012
"Whitman is a college for learners. High schoolers who were not satisfied by only textbook learning, but wanted to debate, to push questions further, to engage those with perspectives unlike theirs. I found that in every class, I evaluated the framework with which I saw the world, and felt challenged to never accept the status quo."
Teresa Hughes
- Reviewed: 7/11/2014
- Degree: Fine Arts
- Graduation Year: 2011
"Whitman is a great place to go- teachers know you by name and you really get to make the most of your whole experience."
- Reviewed: 7/11/2014
- Degree: Chemical Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2007
"For chemistry we were very well prepared for the requirements that I encountered in graduate school. Additionally, having to TA classes as a graduate student at a large institution following graduation, it's very clear that the education we received at Whitman is excellent in preparing us for further academic challenges."
- Reviewed: 9/6/2013
- Degree: Philosophy
- Graduation Year: 2009
"As a liberal arts college, the value of a Whitman education is hard to quantify. I did not learn any technical or professional skills, but I do feel the intellectual growth I experienced during my time there has helped me immensely from a professional standpoint. Whitman, and especially Philosophy, taught me to think critically and analytically. It taught me how to argue, debate, and write clearly and compellingly. I must admit, looking for a job with a Philosophy degree has not been easy--not having hard, technical skills puts liberal arts students at a disadvantage. But once I found a job, the abilities I developed at Whitman have allowed me to become a top contributor at my company. I believe the popular adage is true; "with a liberal arts education, it'll take you a while to find your first job, but you'll get promoted quickly." I would suggest that anyone considering Whitman or a Liberal Arts education try to supplement their education with summer internships. Even if you have no idea what you want to do, getting a bit of professional experience can help immensely. I feel I would have been in a better position post-college if I had had some summer internships."
Matthew Lee Ozuna
- Reviewed: 9/5/2013
- Degree: Liberal Studies
- Graduation Year: 2010
"I am the Interim Director of Intercultural Programs and Services at Whitman College. My Whitman College career began in 2005 as a first-year student from Zillah, WA. Now, I supervise the office I worked so closely with as a student. I cherish my new role as adviser, mentor and facilitator on campus. As Interim Director, I collaborate with campus departments and organizations that expose students to diverse perspectives and experiences. I aid college committees and diversity initiatives. I provide students with academic advice as well as information regarding internship, scholarship and award opportunities. My staff and I also support student clubs with program and event planning, leadership development, and community outreach. I majored in Race and Ethnic Studies and minored in Politics. I did, however, take a substantial leave of absence from Whitman to study, travel and work abroad. I lived with a Maori host family while in New Zealand and attended classes at Heritage University, on the Yakama Nation, upon my return to the United States. Indigenous politics and race relations are of much interest to me; I examined both in my senior thesis, “Race, Rights, and Work on the Yakama Nation: An Argument Against a Proposed Guest Worker Program.” As Interim Director of Intercultural Programs and Services, I thoroughly enjoy working with the same people, issues, and activities I benefited from as a student."
K. Phelps
- Reviewed: 9/5/2013
- Degree: History
- Graduation Year: 2009
"As I reflect on my experience at Whitman, I am extremely appreciative of my degree. It provided me with a stable foundation to pursue any number of career goals. The liberal arts experience improved my analytical thinking, writing skills, and bolstered my comfort-level communicating my ideas verbally and non-verbally. While these are not exactly "practical tools" with which to fill my tool box, skills I gained through my education at Whitman have been essential in my continuing education (especially my Master's degree work) as well as in my professional career."