Canisius University Rankings by Salary Score

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Salary and Debt by Major at Canisius University

We calculated a Salary Score for each of Canisius University's programs by comparing program-specific median alumni earnings to median alumni earnings for the same program across all schools that provide this data. This way, students can compare the relative salary strength of a specific major at Canisius University to the same major at other schools. A school's overall score by level is based on the school's by-program performance weighted by student enrollment in each program. Data is sourced from the December 2020 release of the U.S. Department of Education's College Scorecard and reflects median alumni debt upon graduation and median alumni earnings in the year after graduation for students who received federal financial aid. Debt and salary numbers are shown rounded to the nearest $10.

Salary Score ™ for Canisius Bachelor's Degrees

Field of Study Salary Score Employment Rate Median Debt Median Salary Salary Score
Accounting and Related Services 51 100% 100% $24,250 $48,820 51
Biology, General 8 95% 95% $27,000 $21,510 8
Business Administration, Management and Operations 56 97% 97% $19,000 $44,170 56
Communication and Media Studies 63 100% 100% $27,000 $35,590 63
Computer Science 40 95% 95% Not Reported $63,010 40
Criminal Justice and Corrections 87 96% 96% $23,250 $43,240 87
Economics 51 100% 100% $27,000 $49,140 51
English Language and Literature, General 18 100% 100% $27,000 $24,200 18
Finance and Financial Management Services 30 97% 97% $22,500 $45,340 30
Health and Physical Education/Fitness 25 100% 100% $22,950 $26,930 25
History 74 100% 100% Not Reported $35,060 74
Marketing 19 98% 98% $25,000 $36,490 19
Natural Resources Conservation and Research 46 100% 100% Not Reported $32,390 46
Political Science and Government 28 91% 91% $22,080 $31,310 28
Radio, Television, and Digital Communication 54 91% 91% $27,000 $31,850 54
Research and Experimental Psychology 14 96% 96% $26,130 $25,190 14
Rhetoric and Composition/Writing Studies 23 100% 100% Not Reported $23,800 23
Sociology 60 96% 96% $19,000 $33,990 60
Statistics 34 100% 100% Not Reported $50,860 34
Zoology/Animal Biology 11 97% 97% $24,250 $20,920 11

Salary Score ™ for Canisius Master's Degrees

Field of Study Salary Score Employment Rate Median Debt Median Salary Salary Score
Accounting and Related Services 17 98% 98% $23,500 $55,150 17
Business Administration, Management and Operations 36 98% 98% $34,170 $62,760 36
Educational Administration and Supervision 97 100% 100% $27,450 $81,110 97
Educational/Instructional Media Design 60 100% 100% Not Reported $57,320 60
Health and Physical Education/Fitness 80 99% 99% $29,580 $47,730 80
Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General 34 100% 100% $30,760 $41,940 34
Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions 47 98% 98% $60,860 $42,360 47
Special Education and Teaching 29 98% 98% $33,030 $45,810 29
Student Counseling and Personnel Services 26 100% 100% $35,700 $40,310 26
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods 78 100% 100% $19,000 $52,610 78
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas 21 98% 98% $31,930 $42,680 21
Teaching English or French as a Second or Foreign Language 56 91% 91% $28,730 $50,320 56
Zoology/Animal Biology 8 100% 100% Not Reported $25,970 8

Canisius University Reviews

(23 Reviews)

Most Recent Reviews

Frances Guzzo 9/12/2019

The accounting program at Canisius is like no other. The professors and staff really work towards helping their students succeed and find jobs BEFORE they graduate. I was lucky enough to secure a position with a big four public accounting firm exiting my junior year which allowed me to have a job 2.5 years before graduation. I completed their 5 year bachelors and MBA program which allowed me to graduate with my bachelors in 4 years and complete a majority of the MBA requirements in my senior year, leaving... Read More

Ryan Danison 8/30/2018

Canisius College provides an excellent environment for students. The class size is ideal for the learner that appreciates a close relationship with their professor. Having smaller class sizes also helps to forge strong friendships with the other students which is a major benefit for group projects. It helps to be surround by high caliber students as well, which is certainly what Canisius College is known to do. By surrounding yourself with other good students, you are more apt to achieve higher levels of success... Read More