Marymount Manhattan College Rankings by Salary Score™
Salary and Debt by Major at Marymount Manhattan College
We calculated a Salary Score for each of Marymount Manhattan College's programs by comparing program-specific median alumni earnings to median alumni earnings for the same program across all schools that provide this data. This way, students can compare the relative salary strength of a specific major at Marymount Manhattan College to the same major at other schools. A school's overall score by level is based on the school's by-program performance weighted by student enrollment in each program. Data is sourced from the December 2020 release of the U.S. Department of Education's College Scorecard and reflects median alumni debt upon graduation and median alumni earnings in the year after graduation for students who received federal financial aid. Debt and salary numbers are shown rounded to the nearest $10.
Salary Score ™ for Marymount Manhattan College Bachelor's Degrees
Field of Study | Employment Rate | Median Debt | Median Salary |
Business Administration, Management and Operations | Not Reported | $44,190 | |
Communication and Media Studies | $26,000 | $35,060 | |
Dance | $27,000 | $24,420 | |
Design and Applied Arts | $26,700 | $32,390 | |
Drama/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft | $26,590 | $22,550 | |
Fine and Studio Arts | Not Reported | $26,350 | |
International/Global Studies | Not Reported | $25,190 | |
Literature | Not Reported | $32,930 | |
Psychology, General | $22,630 | $32,930 |
Most Recent Reviews
I finished my degree in 2012, after having worked in my profession for a number of years. I wanted to earn my bachelors' degree in order to continue my education and am in the process of accepting a graduate program. I think MMC helped me understand the craft of acting, and allowed me to explore multiple avenues within the field. The administration work greatly with my work commitments, and helped me graduate. Mary Fleischer is a fantastic asset to MMC.
Marymount was a wonderful school to attend. The classes were always fun and inciteful and I learned a lot about my major. I would strongly recommend it as an option for students interested in theater degrees. One class I wish they had provided was marketing yourself as an actor in New York City. They did have some interview tips, tax, etc. tips but there could have been a bit more.