Tulane University Rankings by Salary Score™
Salary and Debt by Major at Tulane University
We calculated a Salary Score for each of Tulane University's programs by comparing program-specific median alumni earnings to median alumni earnings for the same program across all schools that provide this data. This way, students can compare the relative salary strength of a specific major at Tulane University to the same major at other schools. A school's overall score by level is based on the school's by-program performance weighted by student enrollment in each program. Data is sourced from the December 2020 release of the U.S. Department of Education's College Scorecard and reflects median alumni debt upon graduation and median alumni earnings in the year after graduation for students who received federal financial aid. Debt and salary numbers are shown rounded to the nearest $10.
Salary Score ™ for Tulane Bachelor's Degrees
Field of Study | Employment Rate | Median Debt | Median Salary |
Anthropology | $23,250 | $20,140 | |
Area Studies | $23,550 | $31,840 | |
Biology, General | $20,500 | $35,060 | |
Business Administration, Management and Operations | $18,500 | $49,620 | |
Cell/Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences | $22,500 | $29,690 | |
Chemical Engineering | Not Reported | $69,340 | |
Communication and Media Studies | $25,000 | $37,860 | |
Computer Programming | $31,780 | $48,040 | |
Economics | $19,500 | $43,800 | |
English Language and Literature, General | $19,500 | $29,140 | |
Finance and Financial Management Services | $22,500 | $64,330 | |
Fine and Studio Arts | $24,500 | $29,690 | |
Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other | $20,290 | $35,980 | |
Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General | $33,120 | $31,130 | |
History | $23,250 | $41,940 | |
Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services, Other | $32,650 | $45,700 | |
International Business | $26,000 | $39,930 | |
International Relations and National Security Studies | $19,250 | $35,060 | |
Legal Support Services | $33,140 | $33,990 | |
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities | $25,850 | $38,290 | |
Marketing | $21,220 | $47,960 | |
Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other | Not Reported | $33,990 | |
Natural Resources Conservation and Research | $23,870 | $30,770 | |
Neurobiology and Neurosciences | $19,000 | $20,820 | |
Philosophy | Not Reported | $30,770 | |
Political Science and Government | $21,500 | $31,310 | |
Psychology, General | $21,500 | $31,910 | |
Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication | $25,480 | $37,570 | |
Radio, Television, and Digital Communication | $21,380 | $20,140 | |
Social Sciences, General | $33,600 | $32,570 | |
Sociology | $20,990 | $35,950 |
Salary Score ™ for Tulane Master's Degrees
Field of Study | Employment Rate | Median Debt | Median Salary |
Accounting and Related Services | Not Reported | $65,050 | |
Architecture | $83,020 | $50,780 | |
Architecture and Related Services, Other | Not Reported | $38,290 | |
Biomedical/Medical Engineering | Not Reported | $69,340 | |
Business Administration, Management and Operations | $98,620 | $104,750 | |
Business/Commerce, General | $83,970 | $88,200 | |
Ecology, Evolution, Systematics, and Population Biology | $91,120 | $50,110 | |
Economics | Not Reported | $43,800 | |
English Language and Literature, General | Not Reported | $38,290 | |
Finance and Financial Management Services | $101,020 | $101,960 | |
Fine and Studio Arts | Not Reported | $16,660 | |
Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other | Not Reported | $42,680 | |
Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services, Other | Not Reported | $44,170 | |
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities | Not Reported | $46,670 | |
Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods | $78,100 | $76,460 | |
Microbiological Sciences and Immunology | $46,680 | $33,990 | |
Pharmacology and Toxicology | $48,580 | $14,630 | |
Public Health | $80,340 | $48,900 | |
Real Estate Development | Not Reported | $35,060 | |
Social Work | $77,000 | $42,430 |
Salary Score ™ for Tulane Doctoral Degrees
Field of Study | Employment Rate | Median Debt | Median Salary |
Cell/Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences | Not Reported | $47,730 | |
Law | $109,930 | $61,520 | |
Medicine | $296,680 | $58,380 | |
Public Health | Not Reported | $76,460 |
Reviews by Program
Most Recent Reviews
This program is god awful. They have a fixed curriculum and don’t even put full sentences in their tests/prompts. They lie to you about getting the field placement of your choice. They scam money for Heath insurance. Very problematic for a social work school. Lots of discriminatory texts used.
Don't waste your money, the Fast Track MBA program is a scam and the elective courses are only slightly better. Unprofessional teachers who have no business teaching or structuring coursework are in charge, probably because no one else will take the job. The amount of constructive feedback given is negligible and the student's best interest is not a priority. You will pay tens of thousands of dollars and regret every minute of this degree if you pursue it here, despite what the website says. You will NOT receive... Read More