University of Pennsylvania Rankings by Salary Score

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Salary and Debt by Major at University of Pennsylvania

We calculated a Salary Score for each of University of Pennsylvania's programs by comparing program-specific median alumni earnings to median alumni earnings for the same program across all schools that provide this data. This way, students can compare the relative salary strength of a specific major at University of Pennsylvania to the same major at other schools. A school's overall score by level is based on the school's by-program performance weighted by student enrollment in each program. Data is sourced from the December 2020 release of the U.S. Department of Education's College Scorecard and reflects median alumni debt upon graduation and median alumni earnings in the year after graduation for students who received federal financial aid. Debt and salary numbers are shown rounded to the nearest $10.

Salary Score ™ for UPenn Bachelor's Degrees

Field of Study Salary Score Employment Rate Median Debt Median Salary Salary Score
Biology, General 99 96% 96% $19,500 $42,310 99
Biomedical/Medical Engineering 95 95% 95% $15,000 $73,220 95
Business Administration, Management and Operations 100 96% 96% $20,000 $71,260 100
Chemical Engineering 92 100% 100% Not Reported $78,340 92
Cognitive Science 99 96% 96% $18,000 $69,340 99
Communication and Media Studies 100 96% 96% $19,500 $54,510 100
Computer and Information Sciences, General 100 100% 100% $15,000 $114,890 100
Computer Science 99 100% 100% Not Reported $115,340 99
Criminology 97 92% 92% Not Reported $43,800 97
East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics 17 100% 100% Not Reported $21,510 17
Economics 100 95% 95% $19,000 $83,450 100
English Language and Literature, General 90 87% 87% $21,950 $36,990 90
Film/Video and Photographic Arts 65 100% 100% Not Reported $28,600 65
Finance and Financial Management Services 100 96% 96% $18,750 $127,540 100
Fine and Studio Arts 48 90% 90% Not Reported $25,970 48
Health and Medical Administrative Services 100 100% 100% Not Reported $67,660 100
History 100 93% 93% $17,500 $48,850 100
International Relations and National Security Studies 99 95% 95% $25,970 $57,320 99
International/Global Studies 100 100% 100% Not Reported $80,540 100
Marketing 100 98% 98% $19,500 $74,200 100
Mechanical Engineering 98 94% 94% $21,840 $77,720 98
Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions 100 88% 88% $15,000 $50,860 100
Neurobiology and Neurosciences 56 94% 94% $20,730 $30,770 56
Philosophy 100 93% 93% $20,500 $60,620 100
Political Science and Government 100 93% 93% $18,000 $53,860 100
Psychology, General 80 86% 86% $21,450 $33,990 80
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing 68 97% 97% $22,720 $70,720 68
Sociology 100 89% 89% Not Reported $57,320 100
Statistics 99 100% 100% Not Reported $102,190 99
Urban Studies/Affairs 72 96% 96% Not Reported $42,710 72

Salary Score ™ for UPenn Master's Degrees

Field of Study Salary Score Employment Rate Median Debt Median Salary Salary Score
Architectural Sciences and Technology 28 100% 100% $75,460 $52,420 28
Architecture 76 100% 100% $94,070 $57,860 76
Bioethics/Medical Ethics 10 100% 100% Not Reported $62,490 10
Biomedical/Medical Engineering 22 88% 88% $63,720 $64,490 22
Biotechnology 66 92% 92% Not Reported $71,020 66
Business Administration, Management and Operations 100 94% 94% $41,000 $179,110 100
City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning 77 97% 97% $87,760 $60,330 77
Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology 52 95% 95% $99,930 $47,260 52
Computer and Information Sciences, General 95 95% 95% $41,000 $119,810 95
Criminology 84 100% 100% $52,750 $50,440 84
Curriculum and Instruction 96 100% 100% Not Reported $63,010 96
Ecology, Evolution, Systematics, and Population Biology 100 100% 100% Not Reported $130,950 100
Education, General 88 95% 95% $60,100 $60,520 88
Educational Administration and Supervision 55 99% 99% $58,640 $58,090 55
Engineering-Related Fields 9 100% 100% Not Reported $63,010 9
Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations 98 93% 93% $41,000 $182,280 98
Finance and Financial Management Services 100 93% 93% $41,000 $204,020 100
Fine and Studio Arts 50 89% 89% Not Reported $31,310 50
Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences 55 100% 100% Not Reported $67,660 55
Health and Medical Administrative Services 100 95% 95% $66,000 $189,900 100
Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other 98 100% 100% Not Reported $202,100 98
Human Resources Management and Services 98 96% 96% Not Reported $94,410 98
International/Global Studies 100 85% 85% Not Reported $186,090 100
Landscape Architecture 85 100% 100% Not Reported $58,670 85
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities 67 90% 90% $57,000 $52,940 67
Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods 100 100% 100% $80,630 $182,280 100
Marketing 100 95% 95% $81,080 $158,810 100
Mechanical Engineering 53 100% 100% Not Reported $84,650 53
Natural Resources Conservation and Research 24 100% 100% Not Reported $43,430 24
Psychology, General 100 92% 92% $60,500 $74,580 100
Public Administration 93 91% 91% $57,170 $70,600 93
Public Health 66 100% 100% $64,200 $60,010 66
Real Estate 99 97% 97% Not Reported $154,860 99
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing 64 100% 100% $52,000 $108,940 64
Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education 54 100% 100% Not Reported $50,860 54
Social Work 59 98% 98% $68,830 $47,000 59
Student Counseling and Personnel Services 93 100% 100% Not Reported $54,750 93
Systems Engineering 72 100% 100% Not Reported $110,880 72
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods 84 98% 98% $52,300 $54,220 84
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas 55 100% 100% $50,750 $50,860 55
Teaching English or French as a Second or Foreign Language 35 85% 85% Not Reported $43,240 35

Salary Score ™ for UPenn Doctoral Degrees

Field of Study Salary Score Employment Rate Median Debt Median Salary Salary Score
Biomedical/Medical Engineering 5 87% 87% Not Reported $61,020 5
Cell/Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences 80 93% 93% Not Reported $66,170 80
Chemistry 88 92% 92% Not Reported $94,410 88
Dentistry 10 99% 99% $276,910 $84,650 10
Education, General 42 100% 100% Not Reported $73,230 42
Educational Administration and Supervision 100 100% 100% $131,860 $144,240 100
English Language and Literature, General 84 100% 100% Not Reported $59,420 84
History 95 94% 94% Not Reported $65,330 95
Law 100 98% 98% $150,630 $179,670 100
Medicine 91 100% 100% $105,640 $63,110 91
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing 2 100% 100% Not Reported $69,340 2
Social Work 57 91% 91% $108,050 $73,220 57
Veterinary Medicine 62 98% 98% $195,960 $81,640 62

Salary Score ™ for UPenn Certificates

Field of Study Salary Score Employment Rate Median Debt Median Salary Salary Score
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing 100 100% 100% Not Reported $129,920 100

Most Recent Reviews

Charles 6/20/2021

I want to share I empathize for a student who didn't like Penn. I had a great study and great experience here. Ultimately that's what you look for in a group of peers you spend four years of your life and study with. The teachers are great. They are not Church apologetic teachers, when you are not learning to expectations they will call you on that. However they do acknowledge contribution in the classroom and in workplace performance.Philadelphia is a Awesome University City. Plentiful locations for you to... Read More

Mary 5/6/2020

I hate to say this, but UPENN'S graduate school of nursing is terrible. The education is worse than my two undergraduate degrees from non ivy league schools. Some classes are fine and you feel like they want you to learn and others are so hard it's like the professor is enjoying seeing how many people he or she can fail. My advisor didn't reply to my emails for a year and I finally was given a different one. The nursing school building is extremely outdated. You're lucky if your lecture room has two outlets.... Read More