2021 Best Colleges in New Jersey by Salary Score™
Our list of the best colleges in New Jersey is ranked using our Salary Score, which compares alumni salaries by major across the country. A higher score indicates that graduates from that school may be higher paid than other graduates in the same field of study. To determine bachelor's degree Salary Score, we looked at median alumni earnings by major at each college and compared them to salaries for the same majors at other schools. New Jersey’s top 18 schools have a higher Salary Score than the median for all colleges in the United States. The top school in New Jersey, Princeton University, also ranks #13 on our 2021 Best Colleges in the U.S. by Salary Score list.
To be considered for our state rankings, schools must offer and provide data for at least 8 bachelor's programs. You can click on a school's name to view individual program scores. Read our methodology to learn more about how schools were ranked.
Rank | School | Annual Tuition | Salary Scoreâ„¢ |
Princeton University | $57,410 | 95.90 | |
Stevens Institute of Technology | $58,624 | 89.92 | |
The College of New Jersey | $17,978 | 89.07 | |
Seton Hall University | $48,960 | 79.33 | |
Felician University | $36,410 | 77.82 | |
Rider University | $37,200 | 75.87 | |
Rutgers University | $16,263 | 67.00 | |
Monmouth University | $43,216 | 66.68 | |
Centenary University | $35,934 | 66.49 | |
Ramapo College of New Jersey | $15,363 | 65.91 | |
William Paterson University of New Jersey | $14,624 | 62.78 | |
Kean University | $12,972 | 61.75 | |
Rowan University | $14,952 | 59.99 | |
New Jersey Institute of Technology | $18,512 | 58.94 | |
Fairleigh Dickinson University | $34,404 | 55.49 | |
Caldwell University | $38,050 | 54.06 | |
Montclair State University | $13,762 | 50.80 | |
Georgian Court University | $35,516 | 50.76 | |
New Jersey City University | $13,564 | 49.72 | |
Drew University | $44,174 | 44.75 | |
Stockton University | $15,188 | 39.70 | |
Bloomfield College | $30,680 | 38.82 | |
Berkeley College | $28,600 | 33.51 | |
St. Peter's University | $39,890 | 28.06 |