2021 Best Colleges in Utah by Salary Score™
We ranked schools in Utah using our Salary Score to show how colleges stack up against one another in terms of alumni earnings. Our Salary Score was calculated by comparing median alumni salaries by major in the first year after graduation to data for graduates with that same major across all colleges. Program scores were then combined to provide an overall bachelor's degree score. A high Salary Score indicates that alumni from that college tend to earn higher salaries than alumni with the same major from other colleges. The top four schools on this list score better than the median for colleges in the United States, and Utah Valley University tops the list with a Salary Score of 67.40.
To be considered for our state rankings, schools must offer and provide data for at least 8 bachelor's programs. This list includes all eligible schools in Utah. You can click on a school's name to view individual program scores. Read our methodology to learn more about how schools were ranked.
Rank | School | Annual Tuition | Salary Score™ |
Utah Valley University | $6,270 | 67.40 | |
University of Utah | $9,315 | 66.57 | |
Brigham Young University | $6,304 | 60.53 | |
Weber State University | $6,391 | 50.72 | |
Utah Tech University | $6,096 | 32.85 | |
Westminster College - UT | $40,352 | 30.96 | |
Southern Utah University | $6,770 | 28.16 | |
Stevens-Henager College | Not Provided | 17.85 |