25 Best Master's in Educational Leadership Programs 2020
We ranked the top 25 schools by median salary one year after college for students who graduate with a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership. The top ranked school is The College of Saint Rose, with a median salary of $105,400. 2nd on the list, CUNY Lehman College has a starting salary of $97,300 and the lowest median student debt on the list, at $17,000. Students who graduated with a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership from one of the schools below had median starting salaries between $68,900 and $105,400.
Tuition, median salaries, and median debt were reported by the U.S. Department of Education in November 2019. View our methodology for more details about these rankings or read more about the top-ranked schools.
School | Annual Tuition | Median Debt | Median Salary |
CUNY Lehman College | $21,000 | $17,000 | $97,300 |
Mercy University | $18,318 | $35,000 | $95,700 |
Touro College | $13,678 | $36,210 | $95,300 |
Long Island University | $25,018 | $32,446 | $94,900 |
CUNY Brooklyn College | $20,952 | $21,500 | $92,800 |
Bank Street College of Education | $44,325 | $29,773 | $92,700 |
CUNY City College | $20,832 | Not Reported | $91,600 |
California State University - East Bay | $17,933 | $21,050 | $88,200 |
University of La Verne | $14,976 | Not Reported | $87,500 |
Fordham University | $23,950 | $34,362 | $87,200 |
Concordia University - Irvine | $8,528 | $21,500 | $84,700 |
UMass Global | $13,030 | $29,818 | $84,200 |
California State University - San Bernardino | $18,424 | $32,333 | $83,700 |
National University | $15,912 | $23,217 | $80,700 |
Ramapo College of New Jersey | $19,657 | $30,671 | $76,900 |
California State University - Northridge | $18,007 | $22,895 | $75,400 |
Brigham Young University | $7,932 | Not Reported | $72,800 |
Northeastern Illinois University | $17,090 | Not Reported | $72,100 |
Western Illinois University | $12,693 | $24,970 | $71,700 |
California Lutheran University | $20,600 | $31,517 | $71,400 |
Georgian Court University | $17,998 | Not Reported | $70,000 |
Kean University | $23,110 | $35,219 | $68,900 |
2020 Best Colleges Highlights

Lehman College of the City University of New York features a Masters of Science in Educational Leadership. This program requires 30 credits, and usually takes two years to complete. It requires a bachelor's degree in a related field, New York professional teaching certification, and a minimum three years of teaching experience. The program leads to certification as a School Building Leader.
Students will learn best practices, educational theory, critical thinking and problem solving, This program prepares students for leadership positions, such as principals or department chairs, and has been designed for urban schools with diverse populations. Sample classes are The Principal as a School Building Leader, Instructional and Curriculum Leadership, and Ethics in School Leadership.
Lehman is located in the Bronx, in New York City. Lehman also offers a related degree, a Master of Science in Organizational Leadership, which trains students for leadership positions in various institutions, including education. Lehmen College is one of 26 in the City University of New York system. CUNY hs 275,000 students, and is the country's largest urban university,

Through the Department of Educational Leadership in its College of Education, Mercy College offers three Master of Science in Education degrees. They are in Educational Supervision, Educational Administration, and School District Leader (Alternative Route Certification). Coursework for all three programs are available online. All three require substantial internships. On-campus classes are offered on the Bronx and Dobbs Ferry campuses.
The 30-credit MSEd in Education Supervision satisfies requirements for certification as School Building Leadership The 36-credit MSEd in Educational Administration leads to certification in School Building and School District Leadership. Both programs require a bachelor's, current certification in a teaching field, and three years of experience. The MSEd Alternative Route Certification School District Leader is designed for exceptionally qualified individuals who have a professional degree in a field other than education. It requires 3 years experience in a leadership position.
Students will learn about best practices in administration, supervision and effective use of school resources. The programs focus on effective leadership in multicultural educational contexts. Among the courses are Family and Community Engagement, Legal Aspects of the Administration of Schools, and Clinic for School and District Administrators.
Mercy's home campus is in Dobbs Ferry, just north of New York City.

The Touro College Graduate School of Education offers a Master of Science in Educational Leadership. The program has two concentrations: the 36 credit School District Leader and the 33 credit School Building Leader. Both programs are available on campus or online. The on-campus courses take place in the evenings and weekends. All requirements are online except for the internships. The program takes two years to complete. Students must have a bachelor's, provisional or permanent New York certification in education, and three years teaching experience. The degree leads to certification as a School District Leader or School Building Leader.
Students will learn teaching theory, school data analysis, current best practices in leadership and teaching in a multicultural environment. The program stresses effective supervision and efficient use of school resources. Course offerings include Supervision of Instruction, Technology for School Administrators, and Personnel Functions of a School Leader.
Touro is located in New York City. It has branches in California, Nevada and various locations in New York

Long Island University-Post features a Master of Science in Educational Leadership through its College of Information and Technology. The program requires 36 credits and a 400-hour administrative internship. It requires that students have a bachelor's, an active state certification in teaching and three years of teaching experience. Graduates are eligible for New York certification as a School Building Leader.
Students will learn the technical aspects of school administration and management, effective integration of technology, and the range of civic, legal and ethical responsibilities relevant to school leadership. The program focuses on school district human relations, research, community relations, leadership and technology. Among the courses included in the degree are Curricular Concerns in Administration, School Law, Public School Finance, and Technologies for the 21st Century.
The College of Education also offers a 30 credit Advanced Certificate in Educational Leadership for students who already have a Master's.
LIU Post is located in Greenville, New York, on Long Island, in the greater New York City metro area.