2021 Best Colleges in Oklahoma by Salary Score™
We ranked universities in Oklahoma by using our bachelor's degree Salary Score to determine which schools may produce the highest-paid graduates. While future salary may not be the primary factor in every student's college decision, Salary Score provides one meaningful metric that students can use alongside other considerations that are important to them. To calculate this score, we compared alumni earnings in the first year after graduation for each major at one college to earnings for the same majors across all colleges. A high Salary Score indicates that alumni from a college tend to earn higher salaries than alumni with the same major from other colleges. Four universities in Oklahoma have a higher Salary Score than the median for all U.S. colleges. Southern Nazarene University has the highest Salary Score of 70.40.
To be considered for our state rankings, schools must offer and provide data for at least 8 bachelor's programs. This list includes all eligible schools in Oklahoma. You can click on a school's name to view individual program scores. Read our methodology to learn more about how schools were ranked.
Rank | School | Annual Tuition | Salary Score™ |
Southern Nazarene University | $28,600 | 70.40 | |
University of Oklahoma - Norman Campus | $9,312 | 58.71 | |
Oklahoma State University - Main Campus | $10,234 | 53.11 | |
Mid-America Christian University | $18,838 | 52.67 | |
University of Central Oklahoma | $8,234 | 47.17 | |
Rogers State University | $7,252 | 45.22 | |
Southwestern Oklahoma State University | $8,130 | 44.28 | |
University of Tulsa | $47,211 | 39.47 | |
Northwestern Oklahoma State University | $5,970 | 38.17 | |
Northeastern State University | $7,400 | 34.35 | |
Oklahoma Baptist University | $32,880 | 32.96 | |
East Central University | $7,405 | 31.10 | |
Oral Roberts University | $32,640 | 28.23 | |
Oklahoma Christian University | $25,148 | 25.78 | |
Cameron University | $6,705 | 24.54 | |
Southeastern Oklahoma State University | $7,020 | 21.83 |
2021 Best Colleges in Oklahoma Highlights

Business-related undergraduate fields at Southern Nazarene University (SNU) have the highest Salary Score. The business administration - management and operations program and the human resources management and services programs have a Salary Score of 84 and 80, respectively. Alumni from these programs are also among SNU's highest earning, with a median annual salary of $52,490 reported by human resources alumni and $51,550 reported by business administration alumni. The program with the highest median salary is computer and information sciences, at $63,010 a year.
School Overview
Southern Nazarene University is a small, private, not-for-profit, Christian university located in Bethany, Oklahoma, a suburban town just outside of Oklahoma City. As a Christian university, SNU offers its students spiritual development opportunities, including twice-weekly chapel services and worship nights. SNU gives out grants and scholarships to more than 70% of students each year, which may make this school a more accessible option for those with financial need.
The undergraduate programs with the highest Salary Score at the University of Oklahoma - Norman Campus include criminal justice and corrections (93) and design and applied arts (96). The marketing program also has a high score of 97, with alumni reporting a median salary of $55,020 in the year following graduation. The field with the highest annual median earnings is petroleum engineering, at $75,656.
School Overview
The University of Oklahoma - Norman Campus is a large, public university in Norman, Oklahoma, a midsize city located in the greater Oklahoma City Metropolitan Area. Around 25% of students study abroad during their time at OU. The university also runs a program called OU Cousins, which encourages cross-cultural relationships by matching a U.S. student with an international student attending the university. The partnership allows students to share their cultures and gather at monthly events hosted by the program. Almost 30% of students take part in one of the university’s 56 fraternities or sororities.
Explore programs at University of Oklahoma - Norman Campus >>

The highest scoring program at Oklahoma State University-Main Campus (OSU) is the civil engineering program, with a Salary Score of 90. Other OSU programs with alumni that generally earn more than graduates of the same programs at other schools include chemical engineering (86), human development, family studies, and related services (88), and teacher education and professional development with an emphasis in specific subject areas (86). The program with the highest median annual salary for graduates is chemical engineering at $75,710.
School Overview
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus is a large, public university located in Stillwater, OK. Stillwater is a mid-size college town situated about an hour north of Oklahoma City and an hour west of Tulsa. OSU offers a variety of scholarships to both in-state and out-of-state students and claims that more than half of graduates have no student loan debt. Students who choose to live on campus can take part in the university’s Living Learning Program, where students are housed with others based on similar interests or concerns. There are several Living Learning Program options, such as F1rst2Go, for students who are the first in their family to go to college, or Maude’s Squad, for women in STEM.
Explore programs at Oklahoma State University-Main Campus >>