2021 Best Colleges in South Carolina by Salary Score™
We calculated a Salary Score for colleges in South Carolina to show how schools stack up in terms of alumni salary. Our Salary Score is an indicator of whether bachelor's degrees from a given college may lead to better financial outcomes compared to the same degrees at other colleges. We calculated this by comparing median alumni earnings in the first year after graduation for a major at a given college to alumni earnings for the same major across all colleges. Scores by major were then combined to provide an overall bachelor's degree Salary Score. The city of Charleston is home to three colleges on South Carolina’s Best Colleges list, and Citadel Military College of South Carolina tops the list, with a Salary Score of 65.17.
To be considered for our state rankings, schools must offer and provide data for at least 8 bachelor's programs. This list includes all eligible schools in South Carolina. You can click on a school's name to view individual program scores. Read our methodology to learn more about how schools were ranked.
Rank | School | Annual Tuition | Salary Scoreâ„¢ |
Citadel Military College of South Carolina | $12,570 | 65.17 | |
Clemson University | $15,558 | 50.68 | |
University of South Carolina - Columbia | $12,688 | 49.76 | |
Columbia College - SC | $22,050 | 43.92 | |
Limestone University | $26,300 | 43.13 | |
College of Charleston | $12,978 | 41.61 | |
Furman University | $55,772 | 37.33 | |
University of South Carolina - Aiken | $10,760 | 32.17 | |
Wofford College | $51,530 | 31.45 | |
Newberry College | $29,100 | 31.24 | |
University of South Carolina-Upstate | $11,583 | 29.32 | |
Charleston Southern University | $29,990 | 28.30 | |
Anderson University - SC | $31,720 | 27.96 | |
Winthrop University | $15,866 | 25.46 | |
Bob Jones University | $21,890 | 23.30 | |
Coastal Carolina University | $11,640 | 22.60 | |
University of South Carolina-Beaufort | $10,730 | 22.04 | |
North Greenville University | $23,590 | 20.36 | |
Lander University | $11,700 | 17.41 | |
Francis Marion University | $11,160 | 17.28 | |
Coker College | $31,764 | 14.89 | |
Claflin University | $17,046 | 12.24 | |
South Carolina State University | $11,060 | 5.55 |