2021 Best Colleges in Tennessee by Salary Score™
We calculate our Salary Score for each college in Tennessee to compare the first-year earnings of alumni from each college to earnings for alumni with the same major at other colleges. Salary Score on this list represents the combined scores for all the bachelor's degree programs at a college and indicate how alumni from all majors at a specific school performed. Vanderbilt University, for example, is ranked first in Tennessee because it has a Salary Score of 90.46. It also ranks #36 on our 2021 list of Best Colleges in the U.S.
To be considered for our state rankings, schools must offer and provide data for at least 8 bachelor's programs. You can click on a school's name to view individual program scores. Read our methodology to learn more about how schools were ranked.
Rank | School | Annual Tuition | Salary Scoreâ„¢ |
Vanderbilt University | $60,348 | 90.46 | |
Trevecca Nazarene University | $28,200 | 56.71 | |
Rhodes College | $52,310 | 49.00 | |
Belmont University | $39,850 | 46.57 | |
Sewanee-The University of the South | $51,146 | 46.45 | |
Middle Tennessee State University | $9,232 | 42.43 | |
The University of Tennessee - Knoxville | $13,244 | 39.09 | |
Tusculum University | $27,208 | 38.74 | |
Lipscomb University | $37,152 | 37.41 | |
Freed-Hardeman University | $24,300 | 37.18 | |
Maryville College | $37,758 | 34.79 | |
Union University | $36,880 | 34.27 | |
Lee University | $21,730 | 34.13 | |
The University of Tennessee - Chattanooga | $9,848 | 33.40 | |
Southern Adventist University | $23,870 | 32.38 | |
Austin Peay State University | $8,431 | 31.28 | |
Tennessee State University | $8,336 | 30.68 | |
University of Memphis | $10,056 | 29.74 | |
Tennessee Tech University | $9,802 | 29.22 | |
Carson-Newman University | $33,000 | 28.13 | |
The University of Tennessee - Martin | $9,912 | 25.11 | |
East Tennessee State University | $9,674 | 19.27 | |
King University | $33,784 | 18.78 |